Kumars' Special Effort

Jan 10, 2001
People who work all day at someone else's patterns still think about what they are doing, and if they are good at it, have their own ideas percolating while the work goes on. This is why I always jump at a blade offered as one done "the way the Kami wanted to do it". Kumar is good, no doubts there. This is my first from him and it is impressive. There are some waves in the fullers, but you can feel them more easily than see them. Nothing of consequence. What did the Kami have in mind when he made this one? Could maybe write a Nepali country song that starts "Her mama was from Udhaipar but her daddy was Chitlangi". As good a guess as any. It is a good match for my Bura GS in length, but lighter due to the dui chirra. It handles the same, but faster. Part of the action improvement is the cast of the back segment of the handle. It isn't a follow-through curve, like a Hanshee or M43 - the back (horn) half is dropped and the point of the buttcap doesn't come near the heel of the hand if you are used to handling Khuks at all. Very comfortable, and it allows the last two fingers to add more power to a stroke. The handle ring is on the horn segment, and the same diameter as the front (bone) half. OH-oh, she will slip, thinks I. Nope, she don't slip. The ring is much less noticeable but still acts as a guard. Still enough break so that it is obviously a Khukuri, but this one will thrust at least as well as a GS and not suffer any loss in a draw cut or chop. He came up with the Kumar Kobra - gotta get a name for this little hybrid critter. It IS a keeper.
Congrats on the great catch Wal:) I didn't know you got it until I read this and I'm glad one like that wound up with you.

Uhhh, you do realize there's no WOOD on this'n right? :rolleyes: ;) :D
"You realize there's no wood on it, right"?

Wurra, wurra, wurra.....I'm working on a Hooflex-Tru Oil forumula. :p
Nope - the Malla found a home "elseplace" (as my grandaughter says) quite some time ago. Still the prettiest piece of Saatisal I've seen so far.
Really glad to see that you were able to snag this one Wal. Especially after the separations you were forced to endure last year.

Hope kumar makes more of these so that there's a chance I can get one someday. My Chitlangi seems to be a little wider, more bent, and with a fatter sweet spot than my GS. Your saying that the Kumar special is more like a dui chirra GS than a chit?

Keep us up to date on your new horn and bone process :D