Kydex armor thread in Shop Talk, also, Spark's help needed

Jim March

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 7, 1998
Over in "Community" some interesting ideas related to body armor have cropped up, mainly in regard me getting in TWO recent bike wrecks.

In any case, I've put links to the Shop Talk forum thread at the end of each of the Community threads, and I intend to close out the two in Community. Not censorship, I just want to route the subject to the larger audience it deserves. But...I can't figure out how to close a thread in Community - to everyone's credit I've not needed to. Spark? Help? Also, could you or James Mattis pls. close this one?

Everyone else, if Kydex armor sounds interesting see Shop Talk, the two older threads in Community are linked there so you can quickly catch up.

It was a lot of work creating all the crosslinks, but kinda fun

Jim March
Jim, see the link at the bottom that says something like "Lock this thread?"

That's what you click on, enter your username and password, and you can lock threads in your forum.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here

Sigh. So why didn't I notice that last night?

Oh well. Good news is, I did crosslinks to the thread in Shop Talk and back and forth, "seamlessly linking" the two Community threads to one in Shop Talk. May be the "cleanest" thread closing yet.

Moderators: if a thread anywhere gets too full, you can create a new thread, paste the URL for a new thread into a final post in the old, then close the old. As people read to the end, they hit one click and get dumped straight into the new; it'll encourage a "clean continuation" of the topic, people should feel better about the whole thing, and there's no wondering "who's gonna start it up again".

And in my case, I pulled "two threads into one" in a whole new forum, cleanly.

Keep this gag in mind, guys.

Jim March