Kydex Material

Dec 31, 2005
I have seen some websites that are using colored Kydex, such as Cammo, OD Green, TAN, Red, Black, etc... I know where to get Black and I have plenty of it. Does anyone know where to get different colors of kydex?
I know i've seen it somewhere before, but i couldn't find it when i looked...i'm mostly posting to move the thread back up to the top, cuz i'd like to find out too!
I have seen websites that make sheaths with the different colors; however, they are not giving up their sources. Which I can understand why. I have even asked to purchase sheets of the material from them, figuring that this way they can still make money from from the sale. But every store I found that has uses it to make their product offer to make sheaths for me. What fun is that?
Kleerdex website, the manufacturer of kydex:
Customer Service Telephone: (800)325-3133, (803)642-6864

You can give them a call and ask them for kydex vendors in your area.

Alternatively, you could try sourcing colored kydex from knifemaker supply houses. I don't know which ones might carry more colors than black.
I have tried several knifemaker supply houses and no one carries colored kydex. I have emailed some like Texas Knife to see if they have any plans on carrying colored kydex. I have not heard from them as of yet.