kydex sheaths

Aug 25, 1999
Where can I purchase custom made kydex sheaths? I would like them made for my BJ AWAC's and Buck Nighthawk. Do I send the knife to the company, send a tracing, etc.
Some companies, like Blade-Tech, use molds of knives and that sort of thing, so for a lot of models you don't have to send the knife. Unfortunately, these companies are usually backordered quite far into the future, too. I do sheaths on the side for BFC members (see my page below), but I won't be taking orders again until October due to big time school stuff (National Boards and Clinic Entrance Exams). Sorry! Email me in a month or so and we can work something out.

My Custom Kydex Sheath page
Palmer College of Chiropractic
On Two Wheels
Thanks! If I haven't purchased the Dozier and Chris Reeves I'm eyeing, I'll take you up on that. If I have, then I'll be needing more money (and possibly a divorce lawyer) before I go for the sheaths! (if I knew how to add the winking smiley face I'd do it)
All of my Kydex sheaths come form Frank Sigmon/S&S Enterprises. His designs have been used by Special Operations personel all over the world. He came up with the original sheath system for Kit Carson's U2. These have been used by active duty parchutest and divers for several years. You can contact him at (704)396-1266. P.O.Box 589; Granit Falls,NC 28630



"Cet animal est tres mechant;quand on l'attaque il se defend."("This animal is very mischievous: when it is attacked it defends itself")
Edge-Works makes some fine custom sheaths. But I'm not sure if Scott is taking orders right now as his firm moves into its new facilities.
