Laredo Bowie in San Mai 3

Jul 4, 2015
Hello can you please tell me if cold steel is going to discontinue the Laredo Bowie in San Mai 3 thanks
All of the San Mai III knives are made in super-limited numbers in Japan
They are highly collectible and they are often back-ordered
They aren't discontinued, but they are getting harder to find as popularity increases
Hello can you please tell me if cold steel is going to discontinue the Laredo Bowie in San Mai 3 thanks
My best advice, is to keep an eye on the exchange here. They do come up every so often. I have bought a SMIII Natchez, and an SMIII Trailmaster through the exchange. Got really nice prices on each as well.
SHUCKS...I cannot the SMIII steel a stainless alloy or a high Carbon steel alloy ??
THANKS GUYS ! I remembered just as soon as I had a pop of Bourbon after dinner yesterday. There is a lesson there for all of us old geezers....but damned if I can remember what it is right now...
And so it goes...