Large or Small Sebbie?


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2002
Due to all the talk about the Chris Reeve Sebenza on the forum I am going to break down and buy one. My question to everyone out there is do I buy the large or small one. I checked the dimensions on the small one and it sounds like it is pretty close in size to my Camillus E.D.C. and my Outdoor Edge Paragee, and I love both of these knives. They are however on the small size so I am therefor leaning towards the large Sebbie. Is it worth the extra money to get the large Sebenza? I know what some of you will say, "it is all about whats comfortable to you" but I would really like to here your opinions and what you prefer before I drop $300.00 to $400.00 on a knife. As always long live the FORUM.
Hey Boobar,
I'm pretty new to the forums, but I have a small Seb that is my edc and has been since July of '95 or '96 and I wish I had the large. The small is great when I'm wearing shorts or dress pants, but at the fire station as a duty knife there have been a couple of times, that I would have felt better w/a longer blade. I plan on adding a large as soon as I can, but then I have been saying that for several years so the small must be good enough for me. The other thing I wish I had done different was to get a pocket clip. A problem I plan to rectify soon! Regardless of what you get you'll love it and probably be planning which one you want to get next. Hope this helps

Best Regards
I've had both. Currently have no small's in the inventory. They're just slightly too. . .small. :D

I think that the small would be perfect. . .if the slabs were thicker.
Thanks for the comments. If anybody else have an opinion I am all ears.
The Large is quite a bit larger than the small, think Boa or Commander size. I carry a Large when working and a Small when not.
For pocket carry, I prefer my small classic without the clip. I had a large also, but traded it. I work in an office and the small just blends in alot better, and I found that I usually carried it and a fixed blade if wandering in the woods anyway.
I currently have a large and like it better than the small. There is quite a bit of difference in size between the two. (this is my fifth, I had two Large and two Small previously). The small rides better in khakis if you carry it in the bottom of your pocket without the clip. However, I have given in and started carrying my knives clipped in my pocket even at work. I work with the public in an office and have never had a question, comment, or funny look. I don't find the large to be too large for most things, but I could never get a solid enough grip on the small handle. I agree with GigOne, if the handle were thicker and about 1/4" to 1/2" longer, the Small would be perfect. As it is, I like the large better. Hope this helps!
Leo G.
I have the small, and like it. My El Cheapo Gatco crock sticks keep it razor sharp!

The only thing you can do is walk into the knife store, handle both, and get the one your hand likes the best.

Anyhow, the only way you can go truly wrong is to not buy a Sebenza.

There is nothing the large Sebbie can do that the small cannot; the smaller knife might take a little longer or suffer a bit of cutting efficiency in so doing. Given this fact, the small is the more versatile of the two. The large just seems to be a wee too thick to serve as a solitary EDC, unless Levis are what you wear to work. The disparity in size is sufficient to warrant wondering once again if a MEDIUM Sebbie might just be the best compromise solution for an EDC for the majority of us. We can dream, can't we? :D But given the choice today, the answer is of course to have at least one of each (and a Mnandi or Umfaan for dress up affairs, and a Green Beret to store in the console of your H2...).
For me I'm content with my small right now. I already carry the Gunting strongside on my belt so the small is nice and light in the pocket and doesn't get in the way.

With all the keys and other junk that accumulates my pockets can get full pretty quickly.

My Sebbie is still brand new though so I can't comment on long term performance. Although I did cut some cardboard today at work and no complaints there!
The large will do everything the small one will and then some. If you have medium to large hands, the large regular is the way to go. This knife is not too big. You will find it very convienent and not cumbersome to carry everyday. I have both in custom versions, but my large with SS Damascus blade is always on me. The small usually is put on the self for show. That is, unless my wife has a hold of it.

Go with the large regular for your first Sebenza!;)
There is nothing the large Sebbie can do that the small cannot; the smaller knife might take a little longer or suffer a bit of cutting efficiency in so doing. Given this fact, the small is the more versatile of the two. The large just seems to be a wee too thick to serve as a solitary EDC, unless Levis are what you wear to work. The disparity in size is sufficient to warrant wondering once again if a MEDIUM Sebbie might just be the best compromise solution for an EDC for the majority of us. We can dream, can't we? :D But given the choice today, the answer is of course to have at least one of each (and a Mnandi or Umfaan for dress up affairs, and a Green Beret to store in the console of your H2...).
if i had to pick one id go with the small, its everything the bigger one is just a mini version. plus its legal and more people friendly in a lot more places.

now if they only made the leather inlay on the smalls!!:eek:

i attached a pic with some knives you may be farmiliar with to give you a better idea of size


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I allways carry my small IWB and you do not know it is there, very comfortable. I think it is a perfect EDC in an urben/office environment.

When I took my son for a walk in the woods yesterday I carried my large in a CRK belt sheath.

I have taken to the clip off my large and fitted the little filler thing. I tired the large IWB but it was a bit big to comfortable for long periods.
This is a funny one for me to answer, I own but 3 CRK's

1. Large Classic MM Sebenza 6-50 BG42 blade
2. Small Regular Dark Walnut Spirograph Damascus blade
3. BladeArt Mnandi Redwoodburl 24-25 BG42 blade

I carry the Large almost everywhere, truth is while I like my Small more as its a nicer knife, I just plain find the Large a better day to day user. The Small feels a LOT smaller to me and the Mnandi feels TINY to me!

The Small is exactly that and great for an EDC as its almost as tough but lighter and far less likely to upset sheeple. In fact the Small I have just gets whistles of admiration even from the worst Sheeple. Its the knife to show someone when they ask why you collect deadly weapons!:rolleyes:

The Mnandi is one of the finest Gents knives, but is just to small for my taste. I don't regret buying it one bit, but if there was one knife I would trade for a different knife this would be the one... Then again I do REALLY like it, I just... Aw no I would not trade it really...:p I just am not a gentleman! Even though I have the qualifications to say I am a gentleman and I behave with respect to others I like the larger folder!

Hey thats just me! I'm a big guy who likes a big knife! I also own a Vaq Grande!:eek:
Thanks for all your great input, your opinions have helped me a great deal, thanks.
I have three, all Classics, Large, small and small english walnut inlay. I have field dressed elk, deer, antelope and countless birds and rabbits with the large and the small. Honestly, even for elk the small was enough knife.
I carry the small woodie daily and do not feel under-knifed, and it is legal, even in the communist republic of Denver. What the General said, most people, even non-knife people remark on what a "pretty" knife the woodie is. The large is big enough that it draws a different response. From a strictly tactical perspective, I prefer the large. As an EDC and to avoid any legal trouble stick with the small. Either way you are getting the best production folder in the world.
Semper Fi,
Tuna out
What is the difference between the classic and the regular Sebenza?
Since if you buy one, you will buy the other eventually, the question really is which one should you buy FIRST. Seen that way, it really doesn't matter much. I bought the small first. If I were a practical man, I could have bought the Large and Small Sebbies at the start of my knife madness and simply skipped the 40 or so folders that I bought before them. OK, they are some fun to admire and handle and display, but they don't get out too much. Caution: This ploy only saves you the money for the knives you bought BEFORE the Sebenzas, it does not save you the money you spend AFTER the Sebenzas for all the customs. Sebenzas are Stage II of the illness. - Lee