Larger size Grip?

Oct 20, 2009
Would anyone else like to see a new Griptilian introduced with a slightly larger blade?

I know I'd be very interested in a Grip with a 3.75" or 4" 154CM or D2 blade and maybe get rid of the plastic scales and throw on a slab of G10 or other material as standard on that model?

Anyone else like this idea for a larger sized Grip?
I like the idea, but I don't think it'll happen. The larger size and upgraded scales would dramatically increase the cost which takes away from the niche of the knife being a "value" model. Also, larger knives aren't legal everywhere, so there would be a smaller market than the mini-version which enjoys a larger market
pbcg ~ May I ask why you're interested in a larger Griptilian?

Because of my preference for a larger size blade...

To elaborate further, I like the looks of some of the Grips very much but world like it more if the blade was slightly larger.
I like the idea, but I don't think it'll happen. The larger size and upgraded scales would dramatically increase the cost which takes away from the niche of the knife being a "value" model. Also, larger knives aren't legal everywhere, so there would be a smaller market than the mini-version which enjoys a larger market

I agree completely with everything you've said.

I think though as I've seen as some will go to great lengths and expense to acquire custom scales for their Grips perhaps they would also be interested in another material, although for a slightly higher cost from the factory instead of the after market.

I also agree and have noted before that I believe that what I refer to as the unfortunate, premature discontinuation of many of BM's best models is because of the larger sized blades. I think that when they go close to or above 4" they instantly lose half their market due to blade size restriction and such and the market just isn't there.

The AFCK, TSEK, Skirmish, and Rukus, all sought after and fantastic knives that have been discontinued because they just couldn't sustain enough of the market to keep them in production. Unfortunate but the way it is.

I do think there might be enough of an interest though for a run of the Grip with a larger blade. I know I'd want one and was curious what others thought.
Because of my preference for a larger size blade...

To elaborate further, I like the looks of some of the Grips very much but world like it more if the blade was slightly larger.

Do you find a longer blade (or at least longer than 3.5") more functional, or is it more of a personal preference?
Do you find a longer blade (or at least longer than 3.5") more functional, or is it more of a personal preference?

Both, a personal preference developed and based on my usage and cutting needs. At least the majority of them.
I would be near the front of the line!
The LE Grip with G10 scales and standoffs is a beautiful knife, and a. "Super" size would be perfect.
If they made a larger grip, they are going to dip into the customer group that likes larger blades which boosts sales for other big sellers, like the 710. Makes no sense to do that, because then they would be having to produce another line of knives that doesn't give them proportionally the same size of customers. Well, more than likely it won't. Not sure if it is worth the cost to them. They have been making the large and small grips for years, and successfully so. No need to fix what is not broken.
If they made a larger grip, they are going to dip into the customer group that likes larger blades which boosts sales for other big sellers, like the 710. Makes no sense to do that, because then they would be having to produce another line of knives that doesn't give them proportionally the same size of customers. Well, more than likely it won't. Not sure if it is worth the cost to them. They have been making the large and small grips for years, and successfully so. No need to fix what is not broken.

Are you suggesting by introducing another line of larger blade knives they could take away from sales of other already larger sized blade knives they offer?

If that's the case or their concern then they won't continue to offer a new knives with larger blades as they continue to do regularly and recently such as the Contego, Adamas, Bone Collector 15050, Bedlam, and a whole host of other knives that sport a blade larger then 3.45".

I think it could actually tap into a whole new market. There are plenty of people who like the Grip design but want or prefer a larger blade and now that would be available to them. Also, many complain of the look and feel of the plastic scales so maybe another offering would appeal to them too. That so many turn to the after market to replace the scales suggest the market is there for another offering in that regard.

I'm not talking about fixing something that isn't broken. Not at all.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about replacing what's available. Only adding another option to the already existing line up.

So let me be clear,

If you like your Mini-Griptilian, you can keep your Mini-Griptilian, Period!

If you like your full size Griptilian, then you can keep your full size Griptilian, Period!

But if your one of those people that doesn't have a Griptilian and would like one, but only a little larger, or you already have one and would like to upgrade to a larger Grip, but one that is still affordable but more to your liking or better suits your cutting needs you would have that option.....

That's all I was asking. What did folks think about the idea and would they want one?
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How about they just make a new knife with 4 inch blade. Or so. I love the grip just not the handle size. It's actually a little too small for my hand. But that knife makes it into my pocket more than my contego with a 4" blade. Just like the simplicity of the grip. So I'd like to see a simple styled axis folder with bigger better handle.
Obama reference?


No lol, not at all.

An attempt at Humor. I got the impression it was thought I was taking about changing the Grip instead of adding another version to the current line up.
pbcg, funny enough, I was thinking about this very thing the other day. As an added bonus, they should use the mega Axis lock on this beast. I'll buy 5, where do I pay? LOL, wtf was I thinking? There is nobody here from BM. Oh well, we might as well keep peeing on each others backs, talking about rain, if we are waiting on BM to answer.
Are you suggesting by introducing another line of larger blade knives they could take away from sales of other already larger sized blade knives they offer?

If that's the case or their concern then they won't continue to offer a new knives with larger blades as they continue to do regularly and recently such as the Contego, Adamas, Bone Collector 15050, Bedlam, and a whole host of other knives that sport a blade larger then 3.45".

I think it could actually tap into a whole new market. There are plenty of people who like the Grip design but want or prefer a larger blade and now that would be available to them. Also, many complain of the look and feel of the plastic scales so maybe another offering would appeal to them too. That so many turn to the after market to replace the scales suggest the market is there for another offering in that regard.

I'm not talking about fixing something that isn't broken. Not at all.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about replacing what's available. Only adding another option to the already existing line up.

So let me be clear,

If you like your Mini-Griptilian, you can keep your Mini-Griptilian, Period!

If you like your full size Griptilian, then you can keep your full size Griptilian, Period!

But if your one of those people that doesn't have a Griptilian and would like one, but only a little larger, or you already have one and would like to upgrade to a larger Grip, but one that is still affordable but more to your liking or better suits your cutting needs you would have that option.....

That's all I was asking. What did folks think about the idea and would they want one?

There is a huge difference between the Grip and the Adamas besides blade length...but I won't go into that.

Anyway, to get to the point - do you really think there is a customer base big enough to not only merit the cost of creating a larger grip (materials, production, etc) but also churn a profit as well? If it really were that easy, Benchmade would have done it a long time ago...

The XM series comes in 3 sizes, 3",3.5",4". Not many people ever get the 4". Not from a cost perspective (it does not cost that much more to get the XM24), but a use perspective. Most people carry the mini grip....
There is a huge difference between the Grip and the Adamas besides blade length...but I won't go into that.

Anyway, to get to the point - do you really think there is a customer base big enough to not only merit the cost of creating a larger grip (materials, production, etc) but also churn a profit as well? If it really were that easy, Benchmade would have done it a long time ago...

The XM series comes in 3 sizes, 3",3.5",4". Not many people ever get the 4". Not from a cost perspective (it does not cost that much more to get the XM24), but a use perspective. Most people carry the mini grip....

Do I think the customer base is big enough to justifying the cost of creating a larger Grip? I don't know.

In the same way I don't know if the customer base is big enough to create any knife with a blade larger then 3.45" but since they do maybe there is?

Just like when they produced the Grip in the first place. Did they know there would there be interest for a Mini?

I don't know and why I asked. To gauge interest.

I think some people like, need and prefer smaller sized knives. It suits their cutting needs. I also know some people like, need and prefer larger size blades. For whatever reason. Nothing wrong with having more options?

The question in my OP is : Would anyone else like to see a new Griptilian introduced with a slightly larger blade?
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Do I think the customer base is big enough to justifying the cost of creating a larger Grip? I don't know.

In the same way I don't know if the customer base is big enough to create any knife with a blade larger then 3.45" but since they do maybe there is?

Just like when they produced the Grip in the first place. Did they know there would there be interest for a Mini?

I don't know and why I asked. To gauge interest.

I think some people like, need and prefer smaller sized knives. It suits their cutting needs. I also know some people like, need and prefer larger size blades. For whatever reason. Nothing wrong with having more options?

The question in my OP is : Would anyone else like to see a new Griptilian introduced with a slightly larger blade?

They know there is interest for the mini because of the sub 3" folder laws that exist. All <3" folders can be used in areas with no blade limit, but >3" folders cannot be used in areas with the 3" blade limit. The two are not really comparable... Technically you are breaking the law just having your full size grip in certain cities...
They know there is interest for the mini because of the sub 3" folder laws that exist. All <3" folders can be used in areas with no blade limit, but >3" folders cannot be used in areas with the 3" blade limit. The two are not really comparable... Technically you are breaking the law just having your full size grip in certain cities...

I have no idea what the break down is. Meaning how many cities restrict blade length to -3" or cap it at 3.5". Considering the vast majority of folding knifes I see being offered are 3+" or 3.5" and above it leads me to believe it's still profitable for companies to offer blades in larger sizes.

So if it's profitable why not give a larger size Grip a run? Never know, it could be the next big thing. Arbitrarily saying it wouldn't be profitable or that it would be is pure speculation either way.

That not withstanding, if there were no restriction on blade length and a larger sized Grip was offered would you be interested in having one?
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