It's looking like we have enough orders now for 68 knives, however, there have been 1 or 2 cancellations, so there are some low serial numbers up for grabs now.
We may go ahead and order 70, just to make a round number, who knows.
Anyhow, if you placed your order online, please check the status of it to make sure it was received. If you faxed us your order, please call us to make sure we got it, we've only gotten two so far, and that's from Charles Lawless and R Gregory Martin. If you ordered off line, and you aren't Charles or R. Gregory, we haven't gotten your fax/mailed in order, so hurry up and fax it to us: 904.739.7744
Bill Byrns, your mailed in MO got here, so you are good. Everyone else we have orders from ordered on line, so again, go to the store pages and check the status of your order.
Cut off time is going to be around 6 PM today, so if you are still undecided, you are down to the wire as of now.
If you want to phone in your order, call 1.800.969.7771 really quick.
Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for
Insert witty quip here
[This message has been edited by Spark (edited 20 August 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Spark (edited 20 August 1999).]