LDC-5 is ready!!!!


Jul 20, 2000
I have a LDC-5 folder that was made by John W. Smith a few years ago for a set of knives that Les Robertson sold. I traded for this LDC-5 a couple of months ago and from the get go I loved the handle shape and the thick 4" clip point blade. It fit in my hand like it had been designed for it! Action and lockup were simply superb. The only problem I had, and this problem kept me from carrying it, was that the clip was placed too low on the bolster. Where it was placed allowed about 1 inch of bolster to stick out of my front right pocket. Just couldn't get past it. I had John to revamp the very top of the clip so that the third hole would be closer to the other two and then move the whole cliip up to the top of the bolster, the very top where it will allow the knife to set deep in my pocket just like I want it too. When I sent it in I sent another Smith folder and had John make steel backspacers for both to replace the micarta spacers. Well John emailed me tonight to tell me they will be shipping out at the first of the week and I will have them by the middle of next week! I am really excited about getting the LDC back as I know that it will be riding in my right front pocket for some time!

Man this is just like getting a brand new custom knife at a fraction of the price!!