leading edge vs trailing edge sharpening

Like HeavyHands, I normally use a scrub motion on the first stone. Less on the second and more edge leading. Finishing with a few light edge
trailing strokes, making sure I have the burr minimized or disappeared. On my everyday knife or our kitchen knives I try to tune then up by
using edge trailing strokes on a stone and remove the burr. This really cuts down on the metal removed. The majority of the knives brought
to me are is bad shape and need the bevel reset. Searching for the perfect edge, to me is like searching for Big Foot. It doesn't exist. A knife's
edge is either sharp for general cutting at 300 grit. Or sharp for push cutting, at 800 grit or above. It depends much on your intended use. DM
FWIW...as I understand it KME recommends you finish each stone with edge leading. However they also say you only want to raise a burr the first time, with the coarsest stone/diamond. After that you don't want a burr, you're just refining the edge.

Thanks for everyone's input. I'm still not sure what's best.

They do but not necessary, only on the last stone take some edge leading (heel to tip/alternating sides) light passes to remove burr. After you raise a burr on the first stone each finer stone you progress to a small burr will form if you're doing scrubbing passes. When sharpening freehand I check for a burr on each stone / grit progression, I don't do this on my edge pro as I know the angle is basically exact or right on the money and even after a couple scrubbing passes a burr will form. Hope this help and makes sense.
I normally use weight of the arm with stone in it especially when using diamonds stones.
You mean YOUR arm? Or a fixed sharpeners arm? I’ve never put my whole arm weight on it. Probably way less than half that. Interesting, thanks