Leaf Spring Bowie.....

Jun 17, 2001
Blade was hand forged from an old leaf spring. 8 1/2 X 2 1/2" wide blade with a total length of 14". Bronze fittings with an elk leg bone handle.
Wow, that blade is so wide that when I first saw this Bowie I thought it was a small one. Boy was I wrong. The patina on the blade looks great and I love the leg bone handle. This is a great looking knife. Actually, I think it is a really great looking knife. What kind of sheath are you making for it?
Keith, I'm sure ketsup would work with the tecnique I us. I've been thinking about getting a donation from my bull, Clinton and trying that. I'd have to wear gloves for that....

I appreciate you guys comments....Ray
very nice, Ray.....how 'bout some Tabasco?

Do you stabilize the bone to keep it from shrinking in the future?

I find myself coming back to this knife a lot. It really is a great one.
I haven't stabalized the bone yet. Right now the only thing thats holding this knife together is the ring nut. Before I epoxy it it will get stabalized.

I'm not quite sure if I got the right bait for you yet, I feel like I'm still trolling...:D