Leatherman bit extender bits

Feb 11, 2006
Any of you who regularly carry a Leatherman bit extender know that standard "insert" bits are too short and kinda fall into a Leatherman bit extender... but standard "power" bits are too long for edc purposes, at least to leave in the bit extender...

I have happy news, at least for me. I've found some bits that fit perfectly. Wiha sells a multi-bit screwdriver called the Ultra Driver. The bits for this driver are double ended and they happen to fit the leatherman bit extender perfectly! So, my bit extender now has a #1/#2 reversible phillips bit that rides in it.

I've also found an inexpensive ratchet to go along with the bit extender. It looks like a copy of the Topeak Ratchet Rocket, but it's sold in Oreilly auto parts for $15. I've been using mine for over a year and using it pretty heavily. I've been very impressed with it. It works well with standard 1/4" insert and power bits, but it also works very well with Leatherman's flat bits and the Wiha double ended bits.