Leatherman file stain

Apr 1, 2005
So i picked up a magnesium firestarter and have been working at sparking up some fires while out wandering. The blade on my Wave does a decent job of shaving magnesium flakes but i end up knocking the tinder and shavings all over when i spark it with the blade.

The file however, does a wonderful job of pulling a huge spark onto the area with minimal effort, but after a few uses it now has a brown/copper colored stain. Anyone know how to get rid of it?

It doesn't affect performance but it's kinda gross looking. It doesn't seem to want to wash off either...
Try a very stiff bristled nylon brush.

Also if that doesn't work there are some brass bristled brushes, try your local hardware store. Think toothbrush with brass bristles. They work well for cleaning stubborn stuff off my guns without wrecking the finish.