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Leatherman Pulse versus Leatherman Wave?

Which is the better tool? I have a Supertool that I carry while on duty or in the woods. Would the Wave or Pulse be a better everyday carry tool?

Dennis - The Wave is a great tool that has some really great features like the ability to open the blades without opening up the tool. The only thing that the Wave lacks is a locking mechanism for the fold out tools. I don't know why Leatherman didn't equip the Wve with such. I was very close to buying one one time but after I saw that the tools didn't lock, I had second thoughts. Not sure how important a locking mechanism is to you but it's very improtant in my book. Other than that the wave is a great tool, comfy to use. If they can make the Wave with the Pulse's lock mechanisms, then that would pretty much come close to the perfect multi-tool for me. If you use the blades a lot on a multi-tool then you might want to consider getting the Wave, again for the simplicity of deploying the blades without opening the tool. It's just a matter of picking what tools and options you want in a tool that closely matches either one of these. Either one is a very well made tool. Hope this helps.

Proud member of AKTI, NCCKG, NCKK, and SCAK

In memory of James K. Mattis
Feb 18, 1999
I own and often carry a Wave, and it is a great tool. My only problem with it is that many people have noted a bit of play at the joint area in closed position, and mine does it, too. The handles flex and jiggle when I use the blades which, although not affecting the function of the tool, can give one the impression of less stability. However, it works fine, and IMO carries on the belt more comfortably than my Supertool or PST II.

I'm interested in looking at a Pulse. From my observation, the Pulse's pliers are Wave-sized (i.e., a bit larger than on the PST). It seems to have basically the same tools as the PST II, a bit upgraded. So the Wave has more versatility, and possibly the Pulse a bit more perceived stability (plus all locking tools).
This may not be important to anyone but me,however,the Pulse has a lanyard attachment which pops out of the bottom of one of the handles and the hole is large enough to accept the clip on a lanyard I paid good money for.I will be hanging over the side of a 50'roof next month installing Christmas lights (twisting anchoring wires) and the Pulse is the only multi-tool I have where the lanyard will connect to a decent part of the tool.Anyone doing aerial work might want to consider this.

"Just me and my multi-tools."
My opinion is this:

Both are great tools but to me the Pulse is the better tool for the knife nut. Why? Because a true knife nut will use their primary blade or back up to perform the cutting duties more than they will the Leatherman. That to me is the reason my Wave's blades don't see that much duty. The other tools on the other hand do and the Pulse offers a lock for all of them. That and the rounded comfy handles, the steady pliers and the scissors makd it a better tool than the Wave, though I am awed with the enginerring principles of the Wave.

So, knowing you will use your knife for cutting before probably using the Wave, go for the Pulse.


Makes sense to me. I guess I'll go ahead and get one. Are the leather sheaths for the pulse like the supertool or wave? Or should I go for the nylon? Will the tool adapter work on the pulse?

If the updates are as good as people say they are I hope to eventually see the supertool made this way.


Dennis Bible
Unfortunately, the sheath is like the standard sheath rather than the wave sheath.

One thing I like about the Pulse (besides being able to lock tools) compared to the Wave is that it's a tad lighter. I think maybe 2 oz lighter?

When the wave first came out I thought it was kinda flimsy, but I've been carrying it a lot lately and have grown fond of it. Haven't noticed any performance problems. But I will definitely be getting the Pulse for the lighter weight. And I don't think you give up that much to get the lighter wt.


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.
The big difference for me: the Pulse doesn't have a can opener.

BTW, I disagree with the comment above about primary blades. For me, my Wave *is* my primary blade. I'm not a hunter, I'm a tramper (that's the New Zealand term for hiking :-). I stay in huts or tents. I eat prepackaged food. The largest job I use a knife for is opening packets of food. I carry a larger blade for emergencies, but I don't anticipate every using it on a normal trip.


P.S. yeah, the Wave is a heavy beast. It's a lot heavier than my SAK.

[This message has been edited by Havokk (edited 12-04-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Havokk (edited 12-04-2000).]
Originally posted by Havokk:
The big difference for me: the Pulse doesn't have a can opener.

Better send yours back. Mine has one.


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.
>Better send yours back. Mine has one.

Damn, I meant to say "woodsaw" not "can opener".

I've used the woodsaw a few times on my SAK so I wanted one on the supertool.

Craig (10 months late to notice my error)
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Havokk:
Craig (10 months late to notice my error)</font>

Must be that southern hemispherical math. I count it as being 3 months.


Sorry, couldn't resist.

Dennis, did you get the Wave or Pulse? What do you think about it now?

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. - Ambrose Bierce
Most dog owners are at length able to teach themselves to obey their dog. - Robert Morley

I chose the Wave simply because it was the only multi tool to carry both a saw and scissors (at least that I could find). This allows it to be used hunting (trimming shooting lane) and fishing (clipping line), in addition to hiking/backpacking (although it is darn heavy!). Of course, after I bought it Gerber came out with the "Build Your Own Multi-Tool" website, using ATS-34 if I remember correctly.
That, IMHO, is the fatal flaw of the Wave (and most multi's): they could be using a better steel and raising the price to absorb it. I for one would pay the premium for better materials. And those sheaths...what was Leatherman thinking??? Thank heaven for aftermarket sheath makers!
I have a Wave and a Pulse. I dont carry the Wave much these days. I like the Pulse better. All locking tools, and lighter carry. Of course, if Im on duty or in the woods it is the Supertool that I carry. I cant wait til the Supertool gets the Pulse's upgrades.

Dennis Bible

....Coming soon, The Leading Edge....
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by shootist16:
I have a Wave and a Pulse. I dont carry the Wave much these days. I like the Pulse better. All locking tools, and lighter carry. Of course, if Im on duty or in the woods it is the Supertool that I carry. I cant wait til the Supertool gets the Pulse's upgrades.</font>

So you have a Wave, Supertool, and Pulse? Pulse is for off-duty and around town, then?

Thanks for repeatedly answering my questions. I'm considering getting one of the Leatherman multi's, just trying to decide which one.

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. - Ambrose Bierce
Most dog owners are at length able to teach themselves to obey their dog. - Robert Morley

I also have a Sog powerlock and a Victorinox Swisstool. I almost never carry either of them.

Dennis Bible

....Coming soon, The Leading Edge....
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by shootist16:
I also have a Sog powerlock and a Victorinox Swisstool. I almost never carry either of them.</font>

Hmmmm... those are two others that I had considered. It sounds like I can pretty much narrow it down to the Pulse or the Supertool, depending on whether I want a saw or light weight.

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. - Ambrose Bierce
Most dog owners are at length able to teach themselves to obey their dog. - Robert Morley

Hate to confuse the mix but my favorite is the Wave . . . comfortable and convenient. I carry it in a De Santis duty leather pistol mag pouch that clips on the belt. Talk about convenient!! I still carry a large folder but love the quick access to the Wave!
Actually I really like the Swisstool, with a couple of exceptions:

- very heavy
- rounded off tools

The advantages are:

- all locking tools
- no clumping
- comfortable to use
- tools open with the pliers closed

I believe the only reason I pick the Supertool over it for hard use carry is because the Supertool is the first multi-tool I got and I am used to it. If I had gotten the Swisstool first it very well could be my pick.

The Powertool isn't too bad, but I would rather have a serrated blade and an awl than a 1/4" drive. If I want 1/4" drive I can get the Leatherman tool adapter. The compound leverage is pretty cool though.

Dennis Bible

....Almost here, The Leading Edge....
OK, so the Pulse, the Supertool, and the Powertool.

Rounded tools? You mean, like all the edges are rounded, sorta like the tools on their late-vintage knives? I HATE that!

A friend has one of the SOG tools, the kind that the pliers fold to the side, not the compound leverage type. He swears by them, because you can use the pliers at an angle. Every time I've tried to use them, I swear AT them, because the pliers easily bind up when you start unfolding or folding them. You have to have the angle of the handles just right. Another friend has the PowerTool, and seems to love it.

Heck, maybe I'll just put off getting a multi-tool for a few more years. ...

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. - Ambrose Bierce
Most dog owners are at length able to teach themselves to obey their dog. - Robert Morley

to everyone who likes either, have you noticed the biggest problem with the pulse? sure it has a lock, but try using it comfortably, it's the most awkward damned lock i've seen on any multi-tool. that and it's the pst2 with a lock, nothing new.