Left Hand Carry

Feb 19, 2001
I am trying to compile a list of the dedicated left hand folders from Spyderco. I am aware of the FRNs with reversible clips and ones like the Ayoob that have been drilled for ambidextrous carry. The ones I am trying to nail down are the ones that were left hand only carry. The list I have so far is below, if I have missed any please respond.
Police Model
Police Model (carbon fiber)
Terzuola (not sure if it was the C-15 or C-19 or both)
Civilian (carbon fiber)
Delica (carbon fiber)
Once upon a time, the Harpy was produced in left-hand configuration (both SE & PE versions). I have the serrated lefty, and still searching for a plain-edge for my collection.
A couple of more to add to the list.

Lefty Co-Pilot with brass liners
Lefty P.I.G. Police model
Lefty Hunter
Lefty Standard