Let's buy stock

Jan 10, 1999
I want to invest in the knife companies that I like, but it would seem that many of them (the larger ones) aren't publicly traded. Does anyone have a list of those knife makers that do offer stock?

I sent a letter to BM a while ago asking how I could invest my money in their company, but no one replied. Maybe they already have enough money....


Being that you are into computers for a living, have you already invested in tech companies? Seems like a big powerful tech company may offer better long term returns.

But, I could understand if you wanted to have ownership in a knife company. Yea it would be cool to get an annual report. Bet a share holders meeting would be fun.

Ekaagan, I love the idea!!!
Big dave has a point that you might be able to find better performing stocks, but even to have a few shares in a favourite knife co. would be great. Hopefully some of the companies represented out here will let us know if they are traded publicly and what their stock exchange name and symbol is.

"Walk softly and carry a big folder... and a small folder... and a SAK... and a multi-tool..."
I should have made it clear from the start, but I don't expect to get rich off knife manufacturers. I would invest to be part of something that I love, and it would be cool/fun to be part of the growth and decisions of such a company.

Look at it another way--who better to help a company grow than the die-hard users of the product. And those die-hards know their products better than anything else most other companies sell.
