limited edition 1st run case jade seahorse whittler

Jul 29, 2002
well I just ordered the case jade limited edition 1st run seahorse whittler!!!
thanks guys for all your comments, I decided to give it a try!!!
I'm trying to get all of the new seahorses. I really like them to use and to collect. I'm collecting the older one like this also. Searching for them is half the fun but owning them is the most fun. Good choice rev hope you enjoy. I must worn you they can become addictive...:D

thanks 3 nails!!!....I know what you mean!!!! Ive been eyeing the other ones!!!!.....
rev, I'm glad you posted this. I just called Roger at Bayou Lafourche and got his last 1rst run Jade bone seahorse. These things went fast. I got one...:D

well I just ordered the vintage bone too :) !!!

...oh by the way, you guys were right, the f&F were excellant on these!! First decent case knives, as afar as this, Ive seen in many years!!!!