Limited edition BM 710

May 10, 1999

Hang on, I think I may be in error here.

The SHOT show 'release' was Alum scales, anodized dark grey, blk G-10 insert, D-2 blade steel. Neither of the above meet that description, clearly.

So I'm not sure now, basically. Sorry. But I'd still do as advised. They're not something I've come across before, so...

Edited to add:

This is bugging me now. I think I have seen these before - those images even. If so, they would have come out a while ago and you could be pressed to find one.

Where did you get these images?

Further edit:

The Carbon Fibre one is a 941D2CF. EDC doesn't seem to have any left in stock. You see them on Ebay occasionally but they are fairly pricey.

I think the other is a limited edition 710 (Titanium/Alum and Rose/Wine wood?) released before the 941, so I don't think it'd be easy to locate one.
Sorry, I posted the same pictures in General forum but for some reason they did not post so I tried here as well. I got the images from one online knife shop in Germany but I figured out they would be cheaper in US. I Like the 710 better but it does not have clip... so I guess I will try to get the 941D2CF. I wonder if the liners on that knife are "full size" or just partial...


- the 710 comes with a clip. As I said I don't like your chances with that particular one you posted an image of. But there'll be another pretty soon you watch. Matching the description I first posted.

- the 941D2CF is nice yes. I'd expect it will set you back more than I think it is really worth however, although you never know. There is the 940D2CF also, which was released only rather recently, although I do not like Tantos myself. There will be some others besides soon however, which are the ones I'd suggest you keep an eye out for, on those sites I gave you. Limited editions. Some S30V ones, in a 94x and 733x.

- it wouldn't surprise me if US prices were cheaper than Deutsche. It is like that between the US and Au - quite pronounced.

- not sure about the liners on that one. Tired here.
No full liners on the CF ones-very light, very slick. I actually like the feel of the Al handles better to tell the truth. One of those personal things...

Started to suggest the possibility of having that 710 tapped for a clip, but it looks like it'd get into the inlay.

That pic of the 710 looks alot better than the others I've seen (ebay). I always thought it was ugly, based on those, but that looks pretty cool.
edit: just wondering, does it come with a pouch?
Originally posted by OwenM
just wondering, does it come with a pouch?

It comes with a leather case that snaps closed. I personally don't think it's the best option for it though, as it seems to tarnish much faster in the sheath than out. Out of the sheath the brass of course oxidizes (as it will no matter what), but it does it much faster inside of it. I keep mine sitting out. It's a nice sunny day out, so I'll try to get a decent picture of it and the sheath. :)
I'm doing well here David. I was referring to the 710 generally and wasn't aware that one was clipless - makes sense with the inlay I suppose.

Patryn is quite the collector and that 710 would fit that bill, certainly. As a user however, I'd agree with you - no clip capacity, a folder within a sheath - would mean I'd go for something else.
I do have the regular BM 710 which is great knife. I like the limited edition too but I guess I will save my money for the 941S30VCF when it becomes available. Thanks for nice pictures Patryn!

Man, that special edition 710 is a great looking knife. I'd love to get my hands on one of those, too. Along similar lines, I remember seeing a picture of a 710 customized by Frank Recupero, with (if I recall correctly) rosewood scales. Really outstanding. I like the 941 models, as well, though I don't own any of them.
how come i can never find these knives for sale? I saw the 941D2CF a long time ago on ebay and it was already close to 200 bucks at that time i think it was before the knife was officially released in the US but I never did find them for sale afterwards...
Originally posted by Patryn


I like that one because it shows off the winewood back spacer.


my heart stopped a beat when i saw those pics :) thanks for the pics

i really like that limited edition 710. the brass and wood make a nice combination. sort of out of my price range though :(

and i think they have been out for awhile now

Lafayette Shooters in Lafayette Louisiana had one of those Limited Edition 710s about a month ago. Have not been back since, but anybody interested might look up their website and give them a call.
Thanks for the heads up. I called LS and jumped on the 710-01. It's a beauty. I am having a hard time convincing myself to carry it. I have a 941CF D2 that I do carry regularly after a period of hesitation, so hopefully this will be the same...
The limited edition 710 looks like a custom.
How much do they cost?
Who has them in stock?
How many were made?
I think it was either $170 or $190 retail.

I have no idea who still has one available.

They were numbered to 300 production models, and 50 numbered prototypes. Rumor is they had production problems with the inserts so not all 300 actually exist.