Link for GATCO Inc. please!

Oct 5, 1998
Can someone please provide me with a link to Gatco Inc (The Great American Tool Company Inc)who makes the Gatco knife sharpening kits.

I did searches on Alta Vista and Yahoo - no luck.

I am trying to find out who their distributor is in South Africa.
To the best of my knowledge, they still do not have a website. Can you believe that in this day and age?

Oh well, their telephone numbers are:
1-800-548-7427 or 716-877-2200

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I've got a Gatco Edgemate system. I won't claim that it is the greatest sharpening system ever made as that starts to get into religious turf for some people. But, I will assert that my Edgemate gets my knives plenty sharp for me and it seems pretty well-made.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
It's offical, they are "still working" on their website. (That's what they told me at Bladeshow last year.)

Anyway, works, so e-mail 'em your question.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
I recently went to a knife store, and the deluxe sharpening system came with a Timberline folder as, in GATCO's words, a bonus.

I didn't get a good look at the Timberline, so I don't know what model it is.
