LionSteel SR-22

About 20% smaller than the SR11. I give it a strong buy. It's right smack in the middle of EDC size and weight class for most people and there are a lot of things about it which will make it a stellar performer.
Gallery and first impressions of the SR22 here:
Gallery and first impressions of the SR11 here:


Nice review! The SR22 will drop on my door mat tomorrow. Really stoked about this one. Glad they made a smaller version of the SR11.
Finally picked one of these up (SR22). Really impressed with the action and feel. Still not sure what I think of Sleipner.
Finally picked one of these up (SR22). Really impressed with the action and feel. Still not sure what I think of Sleipner.

I got my first Sleipner blade in 2015. My experience with it is that it offers similar edge retention to S30V or S35VN when the edge is polished, but is considerably tougher than the two. It can really take a beating in survival tasks with little to no edge damage. This allows the maker to use more efficient, thinner blade grinds and points. The downside of course is that it rusts like D2 or CPM 3V. If you don’t rinse it off after cutting up food, or let it sit in a sweaty pocket during the summer months it will start tarnishing/rusting on you. It’s an outstanding steel for hard use knives, but maybe not the most ideal choice for a folding knife given that they tend to get more exposure to corrosive conditions.
I have a titanium SR-22. It has no symbol on the blade for bearings. So, i took it apart to see. It does indeed have bearings and washers. Be prepared for a challenge should you disassemble yours. Better watch a video.
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