Liquid nitrogen dewar/foam core question


Apr 28, 1999
For this with Dewars for liquid nitrogen, now tight is your foam core? I got some and they are 46mm diameter, 1.9" or so amd are pretty loose. My dewar has a vent on it, do I need something tighter?
I have an older dewar with the same size neck. The foam cap is about 6-7 inches long and isn’t very tight fitting. The Ln2 will last a couple of months with moderate use.

Ok, thanks! I wasnt sure if it was supposed to be tight or loose since it has a vent for it to de pressurize. Got a Wharton Taylor 18XT for free at work 😁
I'm with Hoss, my foam plug fits pretty loose allowing the N2 vapors to escape without building any pressure. N2 is always being given off from the dewar - that's why you NEVER transport the full dewar inside the cab of a vehicle. With light use my 10 liter dewar lasts around 2 months.
Ok, thanks! Wanted to make sure that was how it was supposed to fit!