Livesay Ti Tiger

Apr 24, 1999
I was one of the people who joined the rush to obtain one of Newt's Ti Tigers a few weeks back. Actually, I ordered two, one w/ serrations, the other plain, and threw in an NRG to boot. I received my order yesterday and couldn't be more pleased to say that I received exactly what I expected and more. Ifyou visit here often, you'll recall my fellow forumite Chiro75's review of this interesting little poker. Well, here's my take on it.

The Ti Tiger (Newt calls it the TT), is made of very thin Titanium stock, I'd say 1/16" and like someone said, the thing flexes, but not too much. Newt's known for his purpose built knives, and this model is no exception. It is a low profile, easily concealable, magnetically undetectable (I understand that there's a slight controversy about Ti's detectability) stabber. As the stock is so thin, stabbing into anything soft or moderately hard (hey, he didn't make this thing to stab 2x4's so I didn't test it out like that) yields no resistance. Add a modified tanto tip similar to Elishewitz' Stryker, and you can easily bury the whole two inches of blade into some jerk. Which brings me to my next point: B/c it is so easy to stab, and b/c it's so light, if the TT hits a bone early into the stab, or something else of similar resistance (the other guy's neck knife sheath, maybe?), there is a great possibility of the knife jarring from your hand and sliding forward onto the blade itself. There is a finger notch-looking cutout on the blade, but after some observation, that is a function that serves to retain the knife in its sheath, it is NOT an index notch.

So what did I do? Took the Dremel to it, of course. Now both Ti Tigers have index notches right before the paracord. This serves a few purposes, actually: It prevents slippage; it makes it quicker to index on the draw; and it eliminates the "hot spot" of the originally straight portion of the handle. Now I know that if you stab someone w/ this, you'll probably run away after doing so. Sorry, this isn't a sterile version, it's got Newt's name stamped directly on it. What does that mean? Is some guys and his buddies try to mug me and my girlfriend, and I stab the jerk w/ it and run away, those guys might take that knife to the police. When the cops get ahold of it, they'll track Newt down, and seeing as how there were something like 30 of the marked TT's left, they'll narrow down the odds and eventually it'll bite me back in the ass--just so I could save it in the first place. Now that may seem paranoid, but hey, better safe than sorry. But that's why the knife's so thin, I think--so you can poke a few times and then w/draw and get the hell out.

After cutting the notches into the handles, I proceeded to sand out the discolord finish w/ a Scotch Brite pad. Smooth and w/ a dull shine to them, I inspected the cord wrap. Nicely done! I remember someone saying how the wrap they got was sloppy looking, and I remember when I got my G-45, I was also disappointed, but on these TT's and especially the NRG, everything was tight. The wrap is also quite comfortable, and the rounded handle butt sits in the palm nicely as well. W/ the finger notch, the knife naturally indexes into a stabbing grip.

Now, the sheath. As this is supposed to be a non-magnetic knife, the sheath has no reivets, it's just folded Kydex. A note on the the little flier that came w/ the knives said that neck knives are meant to come out of the side of the sheath, and that's why, I guess, the TT's sheat was open on the side. Well, I fixed that, since I the prospect of cutting my own shirt in the process of drawing fails to appeal to me. I sealed it w/ a lighter and sanded and smoothed it out. After that, I rounded off the top (spine) portion of the sheath where the knife enters. I did this b/c if I decide to carry the thing in my pocket or somewhere else that a quick draw might be dangerous, I want to be able to use the rounded portion as a stud to push off of w/ my thumb, thereby unsheathing the knife inconspicuously and safely.

Finally, I ran the straight edge over my DMT medium file. I did this w/ the unserrate portion of the other one, and both cut just almost as well as 440-A or AUS-6. It'll slice paper, but where it really shines is slashing. I took it to some cardboard and it made its mark, especially the serrated version, which is why I got that done, anyway. Overall, I wouldn't, of course, consider these things prime candidates for utility, but you and I both know that's not what they're made for. Of course, the straight edge opens letters nicely.

All in all, I like these knives, they're everything that everyone says Newt's knives are. Shipping was no problem, he answered all my questions, and best of all, didn't charge an arm and a leg. However, while many people, myself included, agree that his knives are purpose-built, I'm going to put myself out on a limb and say that, in my experience, that design philosophy hasn't included handling comfort. No, wait, let me finish. This is one of the primary reasons why I like his stuff. Newt's knives (at least his neck knives) are like cars you can supe up. They come in a "stock" shape and finish, and once you get them, you can modify them to personally fit your needs. It's kinda like a kit you finish yourself. They're cheap (not in the bad way), and so you don't feel bad about regrinding the blade, cutting in a notch here, modifying the sheath there, etc. And yet, underlying all those mods, you still have an extremely functional knife for its intended purpose. B/c of this appeal and functionality, I am very eager to do business w/ him again. I'm considering an SOP and a Woo, what do you guys think?
Thanks for the review I also bought one and its great. Now I know how to fix the sheath.

I also have a Ti Tiger and think it is a great last ditch knife. The use I see it good at would be to jam it into an attackers neck or other soft exposed part and leave it there. Then run like hell!
I agree, the Ti Tiger's the perfect weapon to stick into soft targets. I'd go for the neck, too. I'm really fond of mine, though, so I think I'd stab, get it out (it'll be easy!) and then run! Hey, you've got a Woo, right? Is it chisel ground or flat? I'm thinking of getting one (I'm thinking of getting all his neck knife models) and an SOP, but I want them flat ground, or if possible, high hollow. Reason being is that I'm more of a slasher than a poker and out of all the straight edge knives I own, factory edge or redone by me, none of them slash as deeply and easily as an old fashioned shaving razor. Hence, the hollow grind. I'll still have the spine strength, so I'll still be able to slash. Wait, I take that back about none of my knives slashing as deeply--my Black Cloud Philippine Box Cutter cuts like that, but that's b/c if almost as a thin as a razor. Anyway, I'm guess I'm addicted to Newt's knives...Chiro, you figure out a SOB or pocket clip design for these Ti Tigers yet?

My Woo is the standard chisel grind and I was able to really put a good edge on it, and since I do not use it for a utility blade, it will stay that way. I am also thinking of having Newt custom flat grind one for me. This is my second Woo, the first one I did some testing and gave it to a buddy of mine. I put some heavy gloves on and jammed through a hollow core door...the Woo just poked out the other side. The Woo is a very durable little knife.

I see a lot of posts on this site talking about neck knives, and The Woo seems to take a back seat to some more expensive ones. In my opinion, the Woo, when used as a defensive weapon, is as good as or better then ANY neck knife out there. In fact this Christmas, I am going to order a dozen or so Woo's for stocking stuffers for all the guys in my family.

I dig Newt's knives and have an Air Assault on order right now. I'm also going to order one of Newt's Lil Pecker and an NRG next. But what I would really like to see is a Titanium Woo. The Titanium Woo would have to use the same thickness of stock as the standard imagine how lite it would be compared to the old Woo.

You know, I just like to say Woo!


[This message has been edited by winnert (edited 20 August 1999).]
Yeah, I hear you about the Woo taking a back seat to more expensive neck knives. I'm a REKAT Fang fan myself, and I think that it's a great knife, but feel that the handle could be a tad bigger. When it compares to my G-45, however, the Fang's smaller(more concealable), slashes better, pokes decently, and has more carry options. So w/ regards to REKAT's neck knives, I don's see much of a problem w/ them taking a front seat to the Woo; REKAT did come up w/ the idea, after all, and the Fangs/Utilities are just great knives for utility and defense. But compare a Woo for $25 to some of those custom jobs or the "superior" concealment blades offered by those jerks at Cold Steel (hope you're not a big CS fan), or the STIFF KISS series by CRKT, and clearly, the Woo comes out on top, but alas, it is an UGLY knife. That's what sells these days, my man, image, form before function. Of course, I wouldn't mind getting a Szabo neck knife, or even an Emerson La Griffe, but for the money, function, and service, you apparently can't beat Newt's Woo. You think it's got something to do w/ the price? After all, lots of people praise Mad Dog's Frequent Flier, and other such overpriced things, maybe it's the fact that Newt sells his stuff so cheaply that it may get a "cheap" rep for those hifalutant types who think quality is directly associated w/ price tags. I do remember how disappointed I was when I first received my G-45 (first Livesay knife ever). It was only $20, and lots of folks said Newt's stuff was good. A few days b/f getting it, though, I spoke w/ another manufacturer and the Woo came up. The guy said it was "sharp everywhere." I'll admit, my favorit neck knife at that time was my REKAT Fang; it had radiused corners and felt easy on the hand. Now I was dreading the G-45's arrival. When I got it, it was just as the guy said the Woo was--sharp everywhere. I took my Dremel too it and radiused the corners, muttering my displeasure at having to do this and subsequently having to sand off the finish. I then modified the sheath and just threw it in a box. After a few months of letting it just sit around, I took it out, took some fine grit sandpaper to it, shined it up, redid the cordwrap, oiled the blade, and chided myself for being so upset about spending $20 on something I'd have to admit I had fun doing modifications on. Now if only I could re-coat the blade. This was, of course, a prejudice imparted upon me by another manufacturer and further augmented by my own association w/ price=quality. Besides that, I ordered it through, and at the time, I didn't know you could get Newt to do things like chamfering and serrations for no extra charge. Now, I'm not only content w/ my Ti Tigers and NRG, but I'm in fact a fully converted (not lurking) fan of Newt's products--but that doesn't mean I don't like my Philippine Box Cutter or REKAT Fang, anymore. But let's just say that in comparison to my new Ti Tigers, they're a bit bulky for my current tastes.
Now the Woo is my next conquest in the Land of Wicked Knives. I think I'll have him radius the edges, drill a lanyard hole (I like to do my own cord wrap), give me some extra cord, modify the tip more like the Ti Tiger's, high hollow or flat grind it, and ask for a belt adapter for the sheath. The Rest I'll do myself.
I don't know, how often do you speak up when it comes to neck knives? I know a lot of people just brag about how their Woo can do this and such-and-such can't, and I know lots of people just say, "Check out the Woo, for $25, you can't go wrong." You think the former turns people off, and the latter gives the impression of cheapness? That's what I thought at when I first got into this craze, and look where I'm at right now: Sitting at a computer w/ 5 Livesay neck knives...
I do have to say that when I got my Ti Tiger, I was kinda put of by the "Grafitti" on the blade....mine has a batch code on it. But after I wore it a few days, and played with it....I was blown away what a cool idea it was. I think alot of people want their knife to "do it all'. but that will never happen.

As for Cold Steel, they are not my favorite, but I do carry a Voyager quite a bit. If you toss out the hype, they (Voyager) are good disposable knives. I use it for a lot of stuff knives are not made for, and stuff I would never submit a more expensive blade too.
I cant pass up a discussion about Livesay neck knives without mentioning the NRGS.This one is really great.I added some thumb grooves on the spine with a heatless wheel and a dental handpiece.Reprofiled the edge with my DMT set.This knife will now outcut almost all of my other knives.Then I went back with Outers gun blue(it really leaves a coating that is very black)and redid the edge bevels and spine grooves.Thrawn you should consider bluing your G-45 I think it would look cool.$3.45 for a small kit.I have all of Newts neck knives but the one I usually carry is the NRGS.Best of all only $40 with micarta handles.


You've got an NRG Steel? I was thinking about getting that one, too. Where can I get a bluing kit? Gun store or hardware store? And how does it go on? I was seriously considering bluing my G-45, but didn't know how to do it. Funny, I use DMT's to sharpen my knives, too, and I must say that my G-45 rivals my REKAT Fang's cutting ability. How long is the blade on the NRGS? Is it an exact copy of the NRG, except in 1095? Did you get yours direct from Newt or a dealer? I was thinking I'd just stay w/ a cord wrap, myself.
Hey Thrawn-I got the bluing kit from Farm and Fleet,but I bet K-mart or Wal-mart has it too.Try to get Outers brand if you can I notice it is blacker than others I have tried(more durable too).All you do is prep the surface.The bottle comes with steel wool and a foam applicator.Steel wool,wipe with acetone (I think),rinse with water and dry with paper towels.What ever you do dont touch the areas you want blue-fingerprints keep the blue from working,you want clean bare steel.Put some bluing on the piece of foam wipe it on the metal,let it sit for 2-3 minutes you can stop there or add more coats.If you want the finish smoother hit it lightly with the steel wool.The bluing coats the edge,so I did a few swipes on the kitchen steel,Marine Tuff cloth on the edge-the whole thing took ten minutes tops.About the knife: 31/4"blade 4" handle.A couple of months ago I found Newts website and noticed that there was a dealer 45 minutes from my house.My wife has been mad at me ever since!I have 8 of newts knives now and I'm eyeballin a whole bunch more.But almost 24/7 I have the NRGS on me. I cant quite figure out why exactly im so hung up on this particular knife,but I really am.I usually wake up in the morning with it around my neck.I think it is the same specs as the nrg only 1095.Hope this helps thrawn!
Thanks, Troy, I'm going out today to get some. If the NRGS is the same specs as the NRG, that may be a little too big for me, my NRG is HUGE compared to my Ti Tiger. If the Woo's anything like that size, too, I may just have a modified SOP sent to me instead. Or, I can just get them all, but like you, my wiser, more thrifty, eager to nag my spending habits significant other will more than likely kill me. I'll let you know how the bluing works out.

Thanks man! I got a bluing kit (paid more than you, unfortunately--you'd think a state full of hunters would have a cheaper bluing kit) and now my G-45 looks like something I got at a surplus store.
W/ the green paracord and kydex contrasting w/ the blue/black blade finish, it'll really blend in well when walking back to the ferry during those Seattle nights. I like it! Thanks for the tip, and did you hear Newt's coming out w/ a Ti Tiger II?