Long term water storage .

Aug 26, 2005
Just a question or two . We use household bleach to make water fit to drink . Could I store water in empty household bleach containers ? Is the plastic itself safe to store water in . Would the residue in the empty bottle increase storage time ? Would the water pick up a taste from the bottle ?
I would say no.

Contact the bleach maker and inquire there.

There are numerous safer options available to you.:cool:
I think that most bleachmakers would for legal reasons automatically gainsay such a proposal . I do sometimes have the knack of contacting a backroom technician instead of a representative of the company and so get the real deal . ( so to speak .)
Also I would like to use these containers because they are free and for a couple of other reasons . I know you are taking the reasonable approach and I respect its logic . I have a reason or two as well and would like any input possible . Thanks .
Many plastics contaminate the food the are made to contain. For example Hefty brand zip-lock bags put chemicals into the food , in less than 24 hours !!! The best food containers are glass. Polycarbonate is a good one and if you can find it , food grade polyethylene.Most plastics do put chemicals into the water and if you have a good sense of smell you'll taste it.
i get a plastic taste from water bottles if the water has been in the store for more than a few days . Taste considerations aside will this plastic in the water do me harm ? I am not talking on the short term . If those white plastic bleach bottles are dangerous or really not a good idea then it is best I know about it . Glass containers are not posible and polycarbonate ones sound expensive as well . Thanks for putting up with such severe guidelines for what I need . I know its not easy to respond to such questions .
that is like using old drano containers to store water. I use milk jugs to store water, cheap and safe. They dont leave any funny taste either. 2liter soda bottles work very good as well. just recycle old beverage containers. that could be a start for you.
Swami , The beverage containers are a good idea . I don,t get the allusion to drano as we use bleach in small doses to make water potable . I,m a newbie to water storage so I am going to consider it unsafe unless it is proven otherwise . The only drawback to the milk containers is that they don,t make them in plastic around here . Yoo bad I find it tasyes better in the plastic jugs . ! It proabably tastes even better straight out of the cow ! L:O:L