LOOK READ RULES BEFORE POSTING - Don't get mad at me if you ignore these RULES

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Cougar Allen

Buccaneer (ret.)
Oct 9, 1998
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The discussion forums are for knife discussion in general.

Post in other forums available for non-knife subjects and or buying and selling.

Posters are expected to be nice and post with respect even when disagreements arise.
(How else are we going to learn).

Buying and selling as well as advice on who to buy from and where can a knife be found belong in the exchange forums with advice seeking in the Good Bad and Ugly forum.

Political topics will not be tolerated in the General Knife Forums, expect an infraction should you decide to do so. Use the political forum for those types of comments, trolling and insults are not acceptable in the knife discussion forums. Neither are inappropriate images.

If you desire to make inflammatory posts we have a place for that called Whine & Cheese, but fair warning it is not for sensitive eyes and ears and the rules are a heck of a lot more relaxed in there. It is best to get the feel of the place before bursting into W&C, but the burst ins can occasionally be entertaining. The same goes for posts that come across as having the intention of or resulting in stirring the pot in an inflammatory manner (I.E. trolling).

We want you to relax, enjoy yourself here and make friends while you are learning. There will always be differing ideas and opinions expressed. Some you will agree with and others you will not agree with. There will also be some incorrect opinions offered up. The differences can be discussed without getting into personal comments. Our opinions are based on our experiences and none of us has seen everything yet.

Over the last decade of BFC's existence the greatest experience for me has been the friendships that have developed; they have become more important than the knives. I wish the same experience for all who participate here.

If I can ever help with anything, drop me a line.

Bastid (aka Gus Kalanzis)
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As a gentle reminder...this is not the "Political" forum.

We are not here to discuss China, Pakistan, or any other country from any viewpoint other than reviewing, discussing or asking questions about specific knives and their attributes.

This means that threads and posts featuring "us vs. them", political or socio-economic commentary will be closed and moved offline.

Let's keep it about the knives, folks.
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