Looking for a WB

Jul 11, 2001
Does anyone out there know where I could find a cord wrapped, oxide-blasted WB in stock.....ok, stop laughing. I know this is probably like me asking if anyone knows where I can buy a live unicorn for my daughter but I thought it was worth a shot.

I think Cliff Stamp's got one that he's about done using. ;)

You don't mind a little damage to the edge for a good deal do you?
Mr. Dan,
I just saw an old friend at the Vegas Gun Show that handles a few of our knives and I believe he may have a WB. Call Fred Johnson at 307.324.9495. He is a retired Marine and Army veteran and one of the best Armorers alive today for M14's, Garand's, FAL's and other service rifles. He is a good friend but he is from Arkansas so speak slowly. You can tell him I said that as well.
Duane Dwyer
PS Sorry if I have offended any other Arkansonians. It was a joke and if any of you start a thread on our forum snivveling about being picked on because you are from Arkansas, we will come to your house, drag you outside, pour gasoline on you and light you on fire. It was a joke.
Your friend,
Duane Dwyer
Thanks for the tip Duane, I appreciate it. I've been in contact with EKIM via email and he thinks he can get me one in a few weeks so I think I'm gonna just go that route...I've already made it clear to him that I want to deal with him and I don't want to do anything to earn a flaky rep. here.
Hey Frank Q-

Is that my artwork I see as your icon? Usually people ask me before they borrow illustrations from my site, but hey it IS a Strider image. Thanks for the flattery.
Originally posted by Duane Dwyer
Sorry if I have offended any other Arkansonians. It was a joke and if any of you start a thread on our forum snivveling about being picked on because you are from Arkansas, we will come to your house, drag you outside, pour gasoline on you and light you on fire. It was a joke.
Your friend,
Duane Dwyer

:eek: :eek: :eek:
:D :D :D funny
Hey there John. You are absolutely right. I copied that pic a while back I think from this forum. I just happen to find it on my hard drive and thought it would have looked good as avatar. I didn't bother to do a search so I didn't realize that it was copyrighted.
Click here to see more of John's work I didn't see any Strider frog T-shirts. ;) Are they available?

Frank Q.