Looking for info on a knifemaker - Rob Charlton

Dec 19, 1999
Several years ago I purchased a damascus coffin dagger from a Rob Charlton of Damascus USA in North Carolina. Does anyone know anything about this maker? If I recall correctly, he would have these made by other makers, then stamp his name on them. I'm trying to find out a little more background on my knife and haven't been able to find him again. How can I contact him again?

"I can't believe you stabbed me with this cheap piece of mail-order sh*t"
James Caan in 'Eraser'
I talked with Dr. Rob about two months ago at the Charlotte gun/knife show. Not sure how he does his knives but I do have a card from him, and this is the info. found on it;

Damascus- U.S.A.
149 Deans Farm Rd.
Tyner, N.C. 27980

Phone # 252-221-2010
Fax: # 252-221-2009

Hope this helps you.

Art S.

Art Sigmon
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Php. 4:13

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword"
Heb. 4:12