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Looking for mid-size Spydie

Jul 25, 2002
The title pretty much says it. I currently have ten Spydies all told and have had a few more come in and out of my possession over the last few years. The problem is that I haven't found one that fits my vision of a good "Gent" knife for work. I am in and out of our Courthouse and other government buildings everyday and don't really feel comfortable carrying a knife in the range of say a Delica, Rookie or Jess Horn. But knives like the SS Dragonfly, Meerkat or Mouse (which I love by the way)are just a tad too small for my hand. So all of that to ask, what would be your recommendation for say a 2 1/2" blade Spydie? I have seen the dimensions and pictures of the Michael Walker/Spydie and I wonder if it would be right but I've never been able to see one in person. What are some recommendations for Spydies? Thanks.
I actually do want a Native, but I think it's blade and over-all length are still a bit too long for my situation.
Originally posted by glockman99
How about a Salsa?

G'man the Salsa , probably Ti, is on the wish list. What I'm looking for is info on more obscure Spydies maybe that have been discontinued or had limited runs that fit my parameters. As mentioned originally I like the looks of the Walker but have never seen/held one. I have also seen a picture of a model called the Executive. It looked interesting but I don't know anything about it. Anybody got any more ideas?
I was going to suggest a Navigator, but if the Meerkat was too small, I don't think that would help either. Maybe a small micarta Goddard? For some models that are not generally available in the U.S., try poking around here a little. Just click on the "English" link in the home page:

Originally posted by tarsier
I was going to suggest a Navigator, but if the Meerkat was too small, I don't think that would help either. Maybe a small micarta Goddard? For some models that are not generally available in the U.S., try poking around here a little. Just click on the "English" link in the home page:


Had a Navi', good knife, but it just didn't feel "right". I'll take a look at the link. Thanks.
I looking very hard at the Kiwi. I've read it's small, but feels larger.

The responses to your initial inquiry will be interesting to me as well.
Thanks tarsier, I looked at the link and they have the Walker and the Executive and a couple of other interesting models. I may go that route if I can't find any here in the States. Farmboy, I like the Kiwi to but I prefer knives with clips. I like knowing where the knife is and not having to grope for it.
I really recommend the Salsa in Titanium. I think it is a perfect example of what Sal Glesser calls a "big little knife". If you don't want that one, try to find either an old Zytel or Almite Michael Walker. It is just between the Salsa and Delica in size.
Originally posted by anthony cheeseboro
I really recommend the Salsa in Titanium. I think it is a perfect example of what Sal Glesser calls a "big little knife". If you don't want that one, try to find either an old Zytel or Almite Michael Walker. It is just between the Salsa and Delica in size.

How rare are the Almite Walkers and what is their price tag?
When Spyderco was selling Walkers direct, the Almite ones were about $56 on a closeout. You would have to search e-bay or place a post here at BF to find one now.
One other slightly larger possibility is the Button Lock Solo. These are really cool knives designed by Sal Glesser that are also on closeout at the Spyderco website for $24.95. They are 40/60 serrated with AUS-10 blades and G-10 scales. Sal said they were originally meant to have a MSRP of $120. I have one and I think it is a great deal.
Trane Fan,
I Know they're discontinued now, but what about a Q. They're midsized, very light, and not too threatening. I loved mine, until it grew feet and walked off :grumpy:. Fortunately I found a place not too far away that still had a few in stock a couple months ago, and I was thinking about picking one up at the time, but unfortunately I decided not to. If you'd like one, email me, and I'd be happy to see if the place still has some. Good Luck.
Originally posted by trane_fan
I am in and out of our Courthouse and other government buildings everyday and don't really feel comfortable carrying a knife in the range of say a Delica, Rookie or Jess Horn.
I thought knives of any size were prohibited in these places?:confused:
IMO, I think that the Titanium Salsa is right up your ally. You can't ask for a stronger lock and overall the knife is just a great tool. The other knife that came to mind is the micarta Calypso Jr. VERY lightweight, mirror polished pivot, very classy looking.
Off topic,

How does one order from
I found the english link, how can I figure out some prices? I also like the Executive. What is shipping like? Shoot me an email if you can.
trane_fan the Executive is a great knife but alas discontinued long, long,ago. Another discontinued model is the Spur which is really nothing more than an Executive with the neoprene inserts like the Progrip. These were made long after the Executive became extinct so they may be alittle easier to find.

Originally posted by Jazzman
IMO, I think that the Titanium Salsa is right up your ally. You can't ask for a stronger lock and overall the knife is just a great tool. The other knife that came to mind is the micarta Calypso Jr. VERY lightweight, mirror polished pivot, very classy looking.
Off topic,

How does one order from
I found the english link, how can I figure out some prices? I also like the Executive. What is shipping like? Shoot me an email if you can.

How about one of you emailing me with the same info. I couldn't make head or tails of the prices either. Thanks.
Hey trane fan, how about a Rookie? Its a discontinued model, and the blade is approx. 3", but it carries like a much smaller knife in my opinion. The handle is not as big as a delicas', and I hardly even notice its there. Granted it might be a little tough to find, but I'm sure there are some out there somewhere. Plus the G10 handle feels great. Just my opinion.