Looking for resources for police training

Apr 25, 2002
I am looking for resources to develope a lesson plan for our 42 man police department. We are wanting a 1-2 hour course on kinfe safety, deployment, and usage (not knife fighting). Any ideas?
Hi Slisby, you can do no better than by starting them off than by viewing "Surviving Edged Weapons" Caliber Press,Inc vidio.Which you can order from Palidan Press and they also have other Knife/Police related items . The above vidio is the best to start off with to rid any misconception's your offficer's may have about edged weapons/firearms/skill{BRAVADO}.:rolleyes: Have them practice some of the situations from the vidio.Hope this helps. Akabu
Thanks for responding. Surviving Edged Weapons is an excellent video. We require all officers to view it during their FTO program. We might need to revisit it and have all in-service officers watch it as a preparation for our knife course.
Michael Janich has some "Advanced Fighting Folders" videos out that have some folding knife deployment drills. I have only seen a few minutes of the videos though. Can anyone give a good opinion of these?

Please check out our website at: http://www.sgfive.com. We have done extensive training and lesson plans for PDs all over the world.

Also, feel free to email me for more information.

