Looking for some stag

Oct 17, 2016
Looking for a few stag handle knives. If anyone has a 102/117/120/121 I’d be interested. Happy new year. Thank you.
M Mikeinri Welcome to the Buck Forum, if you like Buck knives, this is a great place to hang out.
You will find we have a large community of knowledgable Buck lovers.

Being new here and new members never read the rules, I will provide some friendly guidance. In a nutshell, conducting business, buying, selling, WTB etc is only permitted in designated areas, not on the discussion forums. Secondly, because this place does not happen for free, conducting business requires a paid (Gold or higher) membership. As for your wants... most of us here do also... :)

Read the Exchange/Site rules.

Building a set takes patience. Especially a stag set. Keep an eye on Bucks “web specials” & “limited edition” web pages. Also the Buck of the Month. You never know what will pop up or when

Not all of mine are original Buck. Some were rehandled and sold through ebay. But the rehandles are the prettiest ones. The ugly duckling 116 caper came from Buck. The 120 is a BCCI knife.

Good luck on your quest. Ed
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