Looking through my old knife magazines


Slipjoint Addict
Platinum Member
Feb 2, 2005
Seeing a lot of names I recognize on these forums. Congratulations gentlemen. My handmade want list has grown by leaps and bounds. I feel better knowing that the knives I want were made by you guys.
Every knife magazine I read now has You all in it. Even Ed Fowlers write up on "Brass has no class" was spawned here in Shop Talk. Im proud of us!
Jason Magruder said:
We're taking over the world!!

Just remember the rest of us whack jobs when you finish taking over the world, ya still need someone to buy knives. :D

I only wish I had bought some of the knives back when I was getting Fighting Knives and the early issues of Blade and Knives Illustrated, I see the prices of knives by some of the same makers now and I can't afford their stuff, but 10 years ago when some were just comming into their own I should have bought their works, I'd be a wealthy man today, ok not wealthy but I'd have a lot of early customs. :cool: :D ;)