Looking to have a sword custom made, can anyone help?

Jul 2, 1999

I am looking for someone to make me a ninja-to, Maybe out of ats-34 or better. 22" blade 11" handle. I dont want it traditional or fancy(no hamon temper line etc.) just functional. I want a hard wood handle wraped in olive drab or similar color para-cord. I am looking to spend about $400.00 or less. Is this at all possible? If so could someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you all.


Louis Buccellato http://www.themartialway.com

[This message has been edited by TheMartialWay (edited 29 July 1999).]
ATS-34 is generally not strong enough to use in a sword length blade. I've seen good swords made of the following steels:

5160, 6150, 9260, EN-44/45, S-5, L-6, 1045/50/60/70/84, W1, W2.

Check out this link:

It's not exactly what you're looking for but it's good steel, differential heat treat, and a solid performer for a fraction of what you're willing to spend.
check with criswell swords nice blades between a friend and i we have bought five swords even a custom ladys sword for my girlfriend.
prices run about half of what your looking to spend.
these are good user swords not wall hangers.
you can find his site on the bladeforms link for swords.