looking venture into leather work

Nov 2, 2006
I have been admiring many of the custom leather sheaths here and am interested in trying to make my own so I was just wondering what information resources would be good to read to have a clue what I am going to at least attempt to do?
Here are some links copied from http://www.knivesby.com/knifemaking.html. I'm working from Chuck Burrow's (of Wild Rose Trading Company) Custom Knife Sheaths DVD.

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Dive in and do it.

I tend to rush things and get ahead of myself and my skill level.
So to combat this I have to plan carefully and set limited goals.
Once I reach that goal I'll walk away for a while and come back and set a new goal after thinking it thru.

The sheaths take longer to get done, but the results are much better than when I tried to knock one out in a couple hours.

Go for it :D