Looky...I found a SOG in a Video Game

Jul 7, 2002
I was checking out a review in one of my magazines of the new Hitman game. The caption under a pretty-hard-to-see-what-is-goin-on screenshot said "attack with the pentagon knife" all you could see was a dagger esqe blade portruding from a dark mass of polygons.

ooooOOOOooo I said. And being the knife nut I had to check it out ofr sure. I dont have the game but I have some freinds who are sever addicts of it and it sounds fun. I might have to pick it up now that I know you can use this:


one of my all time favorite sog knives. Looks like the made the handle slightly different to avoid licensing it....which is a bit of a shame. Doesnt fool me though.

If I ever get to put a SOG in a game, it is gonna say SOG on it and I am gonna make sure it is licensed....given SOG would aprove of that. Otherwise Id make something completely different.
Yeah I saw an add for the PS2 game (which is Hitman 2, incidently is the pentagon in the first game as well?) and the 'hitman' has a pentagon in his hand, it was the back of a video game magazine cover.

edited due to my poor spelling
Sorry to bring back an age old post but I found another sighting, this time in the upcoming game "Splinter Cell 3". Sam Fisher, the main character of the game is hanging above a bad guy about to meet his demise. Sure looks like a Pentagon to me, just without the serreted edge.

Link to the photo below:

Counter Strike 1.5 uses that SOG, I believe the Seal knife. Some kids made custom knives to use for CS 1.6... one of these "fighting" knives was the Tom Brown Tracker :rolleyes:, I just laughed.
The one in the splinter cell pic looks more like a Blackmore Dirk style to me. Like Blackjack now makes, but the handle looks SOGish.
Does Fisher even employ a knife in the Splinter Cell games? I see a lot of him restraining guys with a H&K SD to thier heads but never any knives?

Now Metal Gear Solid 3 has some vicious knife work in the cut scenes. Saw them on X-Plays Metal Gear Marathon. The blade looks like a tanto of some kind. And Snake employs it in a very efficient manner. They have him moving so fast it is hard to see what style of MA he is using. But some of the take downs screamed Sayoc Kali.

The episode repeats Saturday June 26 11pm ET / 8pm PT on Tech TV.


ps. Does SOG make the Pentagon wothout serrations? My mom really likes the knife but hates the "look" of serrations. Like tha fact that shes packing a double edged low profile blade is going to "look" any better. Moms, i just don't get them sometimes...
ERINT said:
Does Fisher even employ a knife in the Splinter Cell games? I see a lot of him restraining guys with a H&K SD to thier heads but never any knives?

He will in the upcoming "Splinter Cell 3."
sam fisher got some sort of enlarged gerber guardian.

just look at how the pommel and the ricasso is shaped, and there you have it: tadaaa

btw I would be the first one to by one of those big babies if they were actually being produced :D

WOW, how far back did you have to go to find this thread!

Look at my spelling! :barf: And I had his gun wrong too, it's Fabrique National Five Seven, not an H&K.

I too would buy an enlarged gerber Gaurdian. I like the ergos, not as much as I do the Pentagon, but it is a bit small for someone of a 6'4" build.