loose blade

Apr 14, 2008
need help in tightening up a schrade LB7 blade. this one has 45397 as a serial number so it is pretty old. it is tight when closed just wobbles side to side when open.
Not too much you can do for that knife... Try pressing the bolsters together or banging them together lightly.... Either with a rubber mallet or in a padded vice...
Since it is a cheap knife i wouldn't worry about a little cosmetic damage from doing so...
or just invest in a new one...
perhaps a buck 110.... Then you could send it in for warranty..
Im not sure how the schrade warranty is...
back when this knife was made it was perfect. schrade would have replaced it. they even replaced lost knives.
I tighten my pinned knives using a vice or, in a pinch, a pair of vice-grips or knipex plier-wrenches. The knipex tool leaves less marking, if any. In a vice, is smooth metal to cover the jaws.

Once tight, a nail or such can be used to peen the ends of the pin.

Caution as to over-tightening. Tighten a bit at a time, till the knife opens like you want.