Lost my BAS!!!!

Mar 26, 2002
Yesterday I was talking with a seller about buying some of his real estate. He mentioned that he collected knives. He has an auto salvage business and finds pocket knives under the back seeats of cars.

I had just gotten this long brown box from Reno. I opened my car trunk and took it out. He offered his pocket knife to open it.

I unwrapped the new BAS. His hands moved to it automatically. He had never seen a Khukuris. I told him that is was custom made in Nepal. He held the grip and swung it gently feeling the balance. He examined the inlaid brass on the blade, the construction, the sheath, the karda and chakma.

The mirror bight finish glinted in the sunlight. A beautiful combination of 15 inches of brass, wood, leather, steel and that undeniable, undefinable spirit that flows through you when you hold one.

Never taking his eyes off it he reluctantly handed it back to me. I handed it back. His eyes opened wide. "Take it." I said.

"No! I couldn't." He responded, but he did not try to return it. The $50 BAS looked like a $500 knife to him.

I have new friend, he has case of HIKV, and a piece of real estate is changing hands.

Is this a great world or what?
A good story (and well-narrated too :) ).

The $50 BAS looked like a $500 knife to him.

That's because it really is a $500 knife, just sold at ridiculuously low prices ;)

Your 'dancer' is the Java icon, if you didn't know.

No one has ever given me such a fine gift :(

Maybe I'm just hanging around the wrong people.
Originally posted by BruiseLeee
No one has ever given me such a fine gift :(

Maybe I'm just hanging around the wrong people.

...you're hanging around the right people.:cool:
I have new friend, he has case of HIKV, and a piece of real estate is changing hands.

What a bargan! Now you know your new property will be delivered already cleared.



Maybe, but I haven't been given any fine gifts. :):rolleyes: [/B]

Good service,
Cheap knives only in price.
Free advice (mostly good, 'cept the advice to send all my K's to the Kave)

I think the gifts around here are pretty good.

:) :D :)
when it is given as a gift.

Think of the knives you have been given, or have given.

Good juju, as one of my ex-marine buddies says.
Glad you found someone who can share our hobby. A lab mate of mine got me infected and my case of HIKV is worse than his... But then, he has to support a wife, so he's skimping on his medications;)
:) Skimping on medications is a fine way to save money. :)

Want my recipie for homemade prozac?
Nice story Bill and nice gift!:)

Want my recipie for homemade prozac

Depends, is it what you're usually on when you're in the Cantina? If so, I'm not so sure...;):p :D

just teazin Bruise:D
Originally posted by BruiseLeee
:) Skimping on medications is a fine way to save money. :)

Oh Bruise!
Considering Tsimi's outbursts, is it wise to give him this information?:p
Black feathers flying,doors breaking, etc. Scary:eek: