Más una pregunta sobre el Vaquero Grande

Oct 3, 1998
Sucede que, cuando hablo de cuchillos con el dueño de la cuchillería, no sé si debo pronunciar Vaquero Grande correctamente, a la española, o si debo pronunciarlo como gringo. No quiero pasarme por ignorante, ni por sabelotodo.

En la tienda, debo decir "Do you have any Vack-arrow Grand-ays?" o digo "Do you have any Vaqueros Grandes?

Y hablando de plurales, ¿se dice "El Hombres" o "Los Hombres"?

Yo creo que la Real Academia aceptaría "El Hombres" en este caso, puesto que se trata de un título. El título del cuchillo incluye el artículo definido, y el plural del título debe conservar la integridad del original.

David Rock

Never carry a knife shorter than your schnoz.

[This message has been edited by David Rock (edited 02 April 1999).]
No soy seguro si el español hablado aquí es Castillian apropiado, no obstante lo
pronunciamos: "ba-KAY-row".

También pienso que " los hombres " son apropiados.

(Siciliana La Jefa)

En el segundo pensamiento, pienso que sería " yo desea pedir 3 "El Hombres" que éste porque es propio un nombre.

[This message has been edited by DC (edited 29 March 1999).]

I can't believe I remember enough Spanish to kind of understand your post! I don't think Cold Steel put a lot of thought into the proper use of Spanish when ordering multiple knives. That being the case, I believe that the correct way to order or refer to multiple
editions of either one of these knives would be to use good old American bastardized spanish. Such as: You want to order 3 El Hombres please!

some other fun things I remember:

Dos cervesas aqui por favor!!
(2 beers here please)

Donde esta el bano?
(Where is the bathroom?)

Donde esta las mujeres?
(Where are the women?)

These phrases worked for me very well when I was young jarhead visiting Tiajuana(sp?)

I will neither confirm nor deny that I have butchered the spanish language in the above post to a cruel and unusual level!
Vaya con Dios!!

I should remember those phrases for next spring break. thnx
About the only Spanish I remember (outside what has been said) is a cute little phrase meaning "We're from the government, and we're here to help. Now place your hands on your head, turn around, and face the ditch."

Oh, and "Yo quiero Taco Bell"


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Insert witty quip here
El Hombre dos equis,la macho del tecate..el negro cervasas!!
Los lobos tumbre ticito rumbato?
Mequita La Quinta sinco denero. El Grande cula..

Centrioles, el bottetoes, que el runover the chiwawa?
Le wacko la wacko justa menutee,
see see donde estalas mujeres?
hasta ravioli.......say what?
If you guys don't stop posting in Spanish, I'll have to have my kids read the posts for me! Oh well, at least their educational expenses have produced something useful.
PLEASE PLEASE, somebody translate Davids post!!! Its killing me to know because I know its funny...HELP...lost my Spanish dictionary!!!
Okay, I'll translate it myself. I apologize if it's not particularly funny.


It happens that, when I talk about knives with the proprietor of the knife shop, I don't know if I should pronounce "Vaquero Grande" correctly, in the Spanish manner, or if I should pronounce it like a Gringo. I don't want to come across as ignorant, nor do I want to sound like a know-it-all.

In the shop, should I say "Do you have any Vack-arrow Grand-ays?", or should I say "Do you have any Vaqueros Grandes?"?

Which brings up another question, about the correct use of plurals: Should I say "El Hombres", or "Los Hombres?"

I believe the Royal Acadamy of the Spanish language would accept "El Hombres" because it's a proper noun. The name includes the definite article, and the plural should preserve the integrity of the original name.

David Rock

[This message has been edited by David Rock (edited 02 April 1999).]
hello - when i pronounced "el hombre" in spanish, the store owner looked at me and said "what"? then he said "ohhhh, the el home-bray"! i speak spanish fairly well (being hispanic), and i still pronounce things in english when i'm around gringos. it seems to make things much easier for them. i would never think a white guy who speaks spanish is a "know-it-all". whenever i hear a white person speaking spanish, i tend to think of what an intelligent person he is, and they have generally earned added respect in my eyes.

Este es muy interasante y divertido pero,en la boca cerrada no entran moscas.No hablo espaniol muy bien.And I don`t know how to put the accent marks up.

Ghostsix--No flies in my mouth. I had to memorize that saying in high school too.

Not to sound stupid, but with the "v" at the beginning, shouldn't the pronunciation sound kinda like "bock/ay'/ro gron/day?" That's how I pronounced it on Thursday and el dueno del cuchilleria did look at me kinda funny before he realized which knife I meant, but I figured that was just cause he's from Illinois. Most of us here speak Spanish like Peggy Hill.

"Loss cuchillllloez sawn muchos grandeeeZ . . ."
The Spanish "v" is pronounced with the lips, rather like the English "b". (In English, you'll notice, the "v" is made by placing the lower teeth in contact with the upper lip, like a voiced "f".) There's more, but I don't want to be late for my Spanish class!

David Rock