MA folks: What styles "work" with a khuk?

Feb 15, 2001
Howdy, all.

I'm new to the forum and I'm going to be buying my first khukuri pretty soon. It's probably going to be mostly a work knife, but it's going to be beside my carseat jest in case I have to take an unexpected night stroll in East Baltimore where I work.

Seeing as I'd like to be able to use the thing halfway skillfully if the stool hits the fan (and it just seems a little disrespectful not to put in some work understanding a blade like this), I was looking for some help on how others use a khukuri in a MA vein. Do Fillipino arts work well? European? Anybody actually practice Bando? And how did you learn?

Another problem is that, in this area, if you don't want to learn karate or aikido, you're pretty much SOL. Anybody who knows of videos, printed material, or instructors around Baltimore could help lots.

Thanks, all. And thanks for the warm welcome to the cantina.
One thing I am pretty sure of, as a fellow Marylander, is if you have a weapon in your car that is within arms reach while you are driving I believe it is considered carrying a concealed weapon. I think it's basically because if you get pulled over by an officer, you could draw it without any problem. I mean, in Baltimore, I wouldn't want to be the one to try and convince the officer that I'm carrying a 15 - 20 inch khukuri not to be used as a weapon, but as a tool.

I could be wrong though,
The quest for the bladed martial art practiced by the early gurkhas is moot. It may still be around in Nepal, taught in family circles, but is essentially lost.

The Kachin peoples of northern Myarmar have what may be remnants of what was taught as they moved through Tibet, Nepal, down to Burma. There's a subtle distinction between bando and their systems.

Do a search on Bando and you'll get some esoteric discussions.
Another thing to take into consideration is: exactly what do you want to study FOR? As Rusty noted, if you want to study what's left of the original arts used with a khuk, you're probably going to log a lot of mileage. I've heard good things about Bando, and I know the Filipino styles are VERY easily adapted to the khuk.

However if all you want is self-defense, you can practice most karate techniques with the addition of any blade - it doesn't change the actual technique, just makes it more dangerous. All martial arts are about learning how to move your body - there's no best style, just what works in the moment.

For fighting I'd pick a 15"-18" sirupati, light and fast in my hand. Whatever weapon/tool you choose, practice, practice, practice with it so you learn the balance, it's strengths and weaknesses. Don't neglect cutting practice either - it helps to know how the blade feels when it's going into something. Best of luck, and welcome!
IMO Snuffy is right on!!!!
Another thing to consider is like the old adage about the man with only one gun.
"You can be assured he Knows how to use it."

However I think if a person had similar weight and balanced khukuri's that they could practice with more than one.
And if you're an extra big person the GRS at 3 Lbs. and 21" oal might be right up your alley.



Indin word for lousy hunter.
Thanks for the thoughts, all. Anyone know of any books, videos etc. with suitable drill routines, or is it just a waste to try to learn without direct instruction?

Uncle Bill: Thanks so much. I would like to get in touch with that gentleman. My work schedule is both punitive and irregular, so I'm not sure it would be good to impose on any private instructor he might recommend, but I'd like to see what might happen.

Yvsa: I'm 5'6", 175#. I think my trying to sling the GRS around would make some orthopedic surgeon VERY happy

Doc Rusty is 5'4" and I ain't gonna try to guess his weight,(
) but he swings an extra large heavy very thick Sirupati I believe it is to help between visits to the chiropracter.

Rusty also has a Kora that would probably do the same thing.



Indin word for lousy hunter.

As I have practiced only in Philippino systems, this will be my source of reference.
I have some knowledge of LAMECO Escrima, and the system of Doce Pares Escrima, and they will both serve you well. Most of the techniques will easily adapt to handling a Khukuri.

And yes, in my opinion you will need a certified instructor in order to understand and master the techniques.

The following links might provide useful information:


Any other system of Kali, Arnis, or Escrima will be efficient too.


[This message has been edited by Seax (edited 02-17-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Seax (edited 02-17-2001).]
I went to recurrent training today. I have to go back tommorrow. I pack a 1911.
I brought a revolver as well to qualify with. I don`t want that skill rusty either.
Many say;stick with one weapon style. Maybe that is true. But it is not fun,or really practable in my view.
Weapons skills do cross over.
I just had this discussion with a FTO/ Firearms Instructor.
Hey, if you can do it; good for you; was the conclusion.
I have never forgotten what I was packing at the time, and what to do with it.
The Sirupati is the obvious choice for martial arts.
You can learn it and the BAS, etc. I don`t see the transition problem.
The moves are the same.
That may just because I have invested a lot of hours.
Take your time; fast.
We have spent some time with it.
I have been told that working with a khukuri also makes you proficient with using one as a weapon. I don't know how true that is.

Try asking your question in one of the Practical Tactical or the FMA forum. Also, do a search on Knife Fighting a Practical Course (or something like that) by Michael Janich stands out.
