Made a website need your help

Apr 11, 2005
Hello everyone,

Okay first of all I hope this isnt breaking any rules... if it is please remove this and it wont happen again.

I wanted to learn how to make knives. I used the search function on this site and was able to find alot of things. I also searched the internet and found some things. To me I found things to be scattered. Im asking you all to help not only me but everyone else who is interested in making knives.

The site is

Hopefully it can be set up to be an encyclopedia dedicated solely for Knifemaking tutorials. That site is in now way whatsoever designed to take place of this place (not that it has a chance in heck rofllllllllllll, and not that I would want it to i LOVE this place <3)

It would be nice to have a central spot with just tutorials. So please help out if possible and let me know if you can help out in any way, if you have any suggestions, or anything else that would benefit us all.

Thanks and be safe

I just wanted to say, the reason the site is empty is because I dont want to blindly put on tutorials I have found without permission from owner. I have emailed several people and will continue to do so. If you have the ability please put some tutorials on the site. As soon as I recieve their permission I will add them. Thanks!
Oh, this is a great potential, thanks for your effort. I loved the idea, surely most of the novice and new blade fans will benefit this site you made...
I have two suggestions:
1: You can place divisions like handle making and sub-topic mortised, full, half-tang etc... Also topics as Heat-treating, Steels, Knife Types, Sharpening, Bolster & Guard & pommel making, Etching,polishing etc.

2: Avanced knife makers from bladeforums or somewhere else can be editors, It is a must to discard wrong info or clarify most of these tutorials...

Thanks again, I'll add your site to my favorites :)
Okay i have changed some things around. Things seem to be functioning right now. Lets get the show on the road. :)

Register guys :D
Okay I have set up the site in a way that there is no way it can be made into a discussion forum. To further things I have included a link to should any viewer which to participate in a discussions forum.

I do not see any problems now listing the site.

The site is

If you have any tutorials and as long as you give credit then its fine. Lets all make a nice big list of tutorials so everyone can benefit. Having one central place with links to information on making knives is something we need.

if you would like to help and become a moderator please email

-pakora :)
I almost fell out of my seat when i saw all that information!
I put it right at the top of the site and gave you credit for the submission.

I think you pretty much have the whole world in that link



pakoraman said:
I almost fell out of my seat when i saw all that information!
I put it right at the top of the site and gave you credit for the submission.

I think you pretty much have the whole world in that link




It's not my info at all, pakora. I'd feel embarassed if you gave me any credit for sharing it with you. Sharing is what makes this place so good.... :)
Nice layout, I realy like the idea, and love how it's organized. This has a lot of potential, :thumbup:
Hey Pakoraman I'm glad to see you got a warmer welcome here than you did in the bali forum with this idea. Sad to see that even though you are making obvious efforts not to step on the toes of this forum some of the big wigs can't see this for a good idea. In fact I'm surprised the idea hasn't already been done HERE...maybe you should contact the admin here about adding the how to stuff here in a subforum of the makers section?
Gawker said:
Hey Pakoraman I'm glad to see you got a warmer welcome here than you did in the bali forum with this idea. Sad to see that even though you are making obvious efforts not to step on the toes of this forum some of the big wigs can't see this for a good idea. In fact I'm surprised the idea hasn't already been done HERE...maybe you should contact the admin here about adding the how to stuff here in a subforum of the makers section?

Hey Gawker bro,

First of all.. lol ever since you put out that helix video ive been working on it... its so freaking tricky. Maybe one day i'll get it ( then i can TRY to do it twice in a row and dream of doing it three times lol)

Yeah, I really didnt see a problem with it since I pretty much reworked the site so it would be anything but a discussion forum (It took a long time with the help of Mr. Stacy Apelt.) But its all set up now and ready to help out everyone.

As far as going to the admins and asking them to put a section here.

From how Mr. Gollnick responded to my efforts they probably wouldnt be too keen on it. Im sure they would have already had it years ago since this isnt something ingeniously new. Plus this forum is a discussion forum.

Anyways the site is up and working now so I hope you will go there and register and if you have any links to submit you can help out.

Be safe bro

We are looking for several people who find themselves knowledgable about knifemaking to be moderators on

The site is meant to be a central place where everyone can go and find tutorials and links on knifemaking. Instead of spending alot of time searching around the net for links we are trying to put everything in one central place.

It is not a discussion forum (thats what we are at bladeforums for)

Moderators would go through the submissions and put them in their appropriate category on the site. If you feel you may be able to help we'd appreciate it because at the end of the day this will help out everyone.

If you are interested please email
Hey Pakoraman,

Just visited your site, you already have quite a wealth of info there. Very unselfish of you but then, this place is full of unselfish people.

As for it taking the place of this Forum, I do not think anyone should fear that. This is where a lot of bantering takes place along with direct replies to direct questions, I know there are a lot of tutorials but sometimes the personal interaction is better. I think that is what a lot of people come here for.

Just be careful what you ask that Fitzo fellow, he has a big bird tatood on his chest and he can trash a thread in the blink of an eye....;) :D :D
Yo Mike.....

Keep up the good work and thanks for the thought.:thumbup:

Dear Mike,

Thank you for the encouraging words. I have been shown the cold shoulder by a few people. I just hope everyone realizes the purpose of that site. Its just a bank of tutorials, nothing more. I love these forums and love its people, and frankly Im not really interested in reinventing the wheel. I am interested in learning and instead of being a glutton and researching sites just for my benefit I thought it would be fun, and interesting if everyone was in on it. I mean, five people submitting their link is so much better than one person submitting five links. Its for everyone and by everyone. Thanks for understanding and I think you rule.

As far as the tattoo. I hope to never get on the bad side of Mr.Fitzo. But then again I have no reason to lol.

Be safe

PS: Mr. Stacy Apelt deserves alot of the credit for the structure of the site
pakoraman, I know little about how search engines work, but I've been told it is important to have the proper keywords noted in order to make it come up when people are doing searches. Making your site come up in searches conducted by aspiring knifemakers would be an attractive feature.

Mike, I really *try* to keep it topical. :) As for big bird, can you believe that ink was actually a house sparrow, and I got it before I got fat?? :rolleyes: :D
Mr. Fitzo

Thank you for the idea of the search engine. I had submitted the site to google but I'll delve further into the keywords and such. You rule ;)

fitzo said:

As for big bird, can you believe that ink was actually a house sparrow, and I got it before I got fat?? :rolleyes: :D

LOL !!

That bird really filled out nicely proportionately. Fitzo, you are one of the reasons I like to visit this forum. Laughter is the best medicine!
Somebody once said to me "you should learn to laugh at yourself, hell, everyone else does..." I could take that whichever I wanted to...:rolleyes:

pakoraman, you keep it up sir. Only thing that may bomb you is when you get digging and you get the input and help from the likes of Fitzo, Stacy and soooo many others you just might be overwelmed by all the info that is out there, ALL by fine ladies and gentlemen who have unselfishly made all this stuff available for free to all who seek.
I find that pretty commendable.

When I got interested in knifemaking I would sometimes stand with my mouth hanging open because people would so readily share information.
I was honestly under the impression that like with so many other things, people would be a bit cagey and keep their info to themselves, after all, there are so many knifemakers about so surely if you have an "edge" on others you should keep it. Not so.
Knifemakers really seem to be a bunch of extraordinary gentlemen.

Good luck again.:thumbup:

I agree with you on that one. I thought it would be a huge mystery and there would be no way for me to learn unless I became an apprentice. But thanks to all of these great people everyone can have a chance to grow. Only thing holding that person down is him/herself
:D Amen to that. I learn daily that the only boundaries are the ones in your mind, this is an amazing form of art and it is sadly seldom recognised by the people who do not know much about knifemaking. By thunder, are there ever some artists in this game.
When I started out a lot of people would find the idea of making knives a bit repulsive because they immediately assume you want to make a weapon with which to do bodily harm! Well, some knives are made for that exact purpose but then a baseball bat makes a pretty good weapon too.

Just look in every kitchen.......The beauty of a knife is that just to make the simplest one by hand requires a great deal of skill and knives are the most essential tools to everyone, they just do not give it a thought because they are so used to them being around. You can also turn it into an art piece, just look at what some guys do....
Do yourself a favor and read a recent thread on this Forum "Why Knives". You will find it on page 4.
I am sure you will find it interesting.

Oh, you are now an apprentice, we ALL are until the day we fade away. I have yet to find a maker that thinks he knows all there is to know.:D
Thats what keeps you humble.
