Magnum camp an' a bit of drama....

Dec 3, 2000
Thursday I had stopped by the knife shop on the way to work to just browse a bit. Before I was done "browsing" I had traded one of my folders off for a BK&T Magnum Camp knife and a Cold Steel Panga I'd had him professionally sharpen for me. Don't think any home should be without a fairly expendable machete for clearin' out brush an' such. The BK&T looked like it would be fairly versatile. Not exactly excelling at fine slicing, hacking, or anything else, but able to manage in most any activity that could be asked of a knife. Also not so damn unwieldy as other knives in it's size range.

So, along comes Friday night...Wife and I are watching Discovery channel or some such about what a true nutcase Hussein is when Jessie (our WELL LOVED family dog) decides it's time to go make some yella snow. So, I get up an' put him on his run. Never liked the damn thing, but we had a couple hundred feet of cable given to us, and we figured it'd do awight 'till we could get a decent chainlink fence up. Actually I'd prefer a moat, contertina wire,an electric fence and so forth, but the wife won't let me...

Now, the way it's set up, is that the dog has full run from end to end in the backyard. Definitely not one of those pups with three feet of chain. The chain comes all the way up onto our eight an' a half foot high wrap around deck so he can go in an' out with relative ease. Also had to keep the cable he's tied to long so he wouldn't hang himself where the yard slopes down.

Anyhoo, The wife and I are gettin' edgumuckated 'bout Iraqs' lovely dictator when we felt the house shake suddenly. Wife and I looked at each other with a "WTF?" kinda expression and listen more carefully. We were both thinkin' that was the damndest feelin' earthquake we had experienced. Then it happened again, 'cept it was a lil' more isolate towards the rear of the house. She and I both jumped up, and looked out the window. As my wife was screamin' "there's somethin' goin' on back there!" I was yellin' "get the shotgun!" grabbin' the Magnum Camp I'd just finished sharpening and diving out the backdoor in my house shorts. I thought for sure Jessie was gettin' into it with some stray dogs or havin' an altercation with our neigborhood moose. (Don't ask me HOW I was gonna take on a moose with a knife, but I damn well intended to try) So, once my eyes focused to the dark and the movement I saw that somehow my pup had tangled his cable on the porch and fell off the steps, subsequently hanging himself. Poor guys lights seemed to be pretty much out, and it was a situation where every second was counting. I found the cable on the railing, and didn't know anything else to do but hack at it with the BK&T. I figured that IF it worked, it wouldn't work immediately. Well...the good Lord, a good knife, and a dose of adrenaline musta been on my side, cuz I cut through that steel cable with one hack. Bear in mind, this was a size or two larger than most doggie run cables due to the fact that my family has always had the more powerful and giant bred dogs.

Anyhoo, the dog hit the ground and there was a silence that scared the hell outta me. A few seconds later though he was growling and snarling down there like hell. Presumably he was confused as hell at what had just transpired...or maybe he was just madder 'n hell about landing in the pile where his bowels had evacuated seconds earlier. In any case my pup was alive and well. By the time we'd bathed him he was right back to his normal self, although the wife and I were still pretty tightly wound. A few more seconds here and there...if we hadn't heard him...and most of all, if I hadn't had that big fockin' knife right there at hand....As far as how the knife held up to the steel cable, there was a bit of a chip where the knife had struck the cable, but it's almost invisible to the human eye after ten minutes on my Sharpmaker. Also cut about a half inch chip out of the railing. Which is obviously pretty darn miniscule in the overall scheme of things.

As the rest of ya'll dog lovers can imagine I'm VERY thankful to have my pup sleepin' here at my feet as I type this.
Ya just GOTTA love those Beckers! I have a BK-2 and a BK-9, and now I feel that they'll cut through ANYTHING.

Also, I'm glad to read that your dog is ok.
Wow, glad your pup is still with you. Good story.

The only things my Magnum Camp cut over the weekend was taters on Saturday morning to go with my eggs, plus some veggies last night for a stir fry. It did the job like a champ though...;)
Runs with sissors,Glad your dog os o.k.! And also glad you are very quick thinking! That pup will brag a long time on you!!And I'm glad it wasn't a bear or moose,but I think you would be eating bear or moose right now,the way you swing that thing.Moose says to bear,"stay away from that wild man's place!"
I think the Magnum Camp is the nicest Becker. It just feels right. I'm glad Jessie is OK.:)
Jessie has himself a hell of a good person! And the beauty of dogs is that I'm sure he knows it too. Good work!

As I write this my dog Chelsea is curled up at my feet being quietly companionable. I think dogs are one of the surest proofs that God exists and that he loves us.

--Bob Q
The Magnum Camp is a much over looked and much under appreciated knife. I am glad it was there when you needed it.
Great story, gotta love that 0170-6c steel! Becker is one of the most underrated brands out there. I love my BK9!:D
Fantastic that potentially tragic situation was averted - so glad Jessie is doing fine due to your quick thinking and response and a great knife (and you & your wife too!). Becker's are really great knives especially at the price - have the Magnum Camp myself (with Fisk applied convex edge) & Combat Bowie - love the M.C. a lot and it is a very good slicer & dicer. You might want to post a link in the Camillus Forum - Will Fennell & Ethan Becker with Camillus would love to hear about this I know - reason why they make the kind of knives they do.

Hey Runs With Scissors

First off I am very glad that Jessie is still with you! Stories like yours are what makes a knife designers day. OK, OK so Jerry designed that blade BUT it IS my handle....

I very much like to think that Beckers are both users and occaisonal abusers so....THANKYOU for helping to make that point. I will say that, altough I would have stated theoretically that
0-170-6C would slice through cable steel, I would have wanted a few moments alone in the back room before I made any categorical statements!! How thick was the cable ? I would LOVE to know so I can start bragging!!

BTW If something similar happens and it turns out to be the moose I MOST heartily reccomend waiting for the shotgun !

My wife,Susan, says to tell you that our two pups Joy & Spanky would like you to pass on their judgement that Jessie has a real fine human!

All Best, Ethan
Awesome story!!! You ought to send it in to a knife magazine for publication. Your story is what this hobby should be all about. I’m also glad that your dog is all right.
As a dog lover I am glad to hear your pup is alright. I think this is the right time to tell your wife you are ordering that custom that you been wanting.
>"I think dogs are one of the surest proofs that God exists and that he loves us."


VERY well said! :)
As an animal control officer, I have seen all to many of these incidents end in a dead dog. Tying dogs on decks is just a hanging waiting to happen. You did well by thinking fast and potentially sacrificing a new blade, but hopefully you'll be relocating where the dog is tied in the future.
'preciate the kind replies from everybody!

Numberthree: That was the first thing I did the next morning, was move the run a bit, replace the cable, and basically "hang and tangle proof it" I still have no idea how the dog managed to get himself in that position to begin with, but I do know it will never happen again.

db: ah, I wish...actually I shot myself in the foot as far as customs go...ya' see...that BK was right beside a Rob Criswell I coulda grabbed just as easily. I actually grabbed the BK cuz it had better reach, was lighter, and felt more secure in the hand. Also had those nice, smooth, rounded handles in case a p!ssed off moose shoved it where the sun don't shine....

Ethan Becker: glad I could make yer day with that story, 'specially after that knife completely SAVED my day, and many to follow. (Jessie's opinion should go without saying) Needless to say, that knife is VERY endeared to me now, and I can guarantee ya' it's just the first of many Beckers to follow. I would LOVE to tell ya' the cable size, but I just can't be too sure without looking at the bin again, and I don't wanna give a misfigure. I'm pretty sure I'll be spending another paycheck at the Hardware store tomorrow, so I should be able to git back to ya' by Monday with an exact size. In summary I'd like to say THANK YOU for making such a rugged, highly usable knife available to us commonfolk.

I gotta git back to takin' care of a sick wife an' all, but once again...I really do 'preciate the warm words...'specially since y'all were kind enough not to mention that if I'd built his run right in the first place none of this woulda happened...:D