Maker Stamp/Mark

Apr 5, 2000
Could somebody point me in the right direction to find a maker stamp. Is the mark stamped on a cold or hot blade? Thanks for the help.

Thanks :). I think the knife I am making would look a lot better with my name on it...I'd probably solder over it though :(.

I bought my stamp from Harper manufacturing in Las Vegas. Found them on the web. My name is 3/32 inch high capitol block and then centered underneath my name is the word FORGED in 1/16 capitol block letters. The stamp is about the size of 4 sticks of gum and is made out of 0-1 tool steel. It is a very nice stamp and I am very pleased with the results. With my first attempts I was too gentle with the hammer. I now smack the stamp with an 8# sledge with the handle cut down to 12 inches. It is a very tough stamp. It works really well with a deep set (.045 in depth if you want to go that deep) and you have plenty of stock left over for final sanding. I paid $65 for my stamp and it took about 10 days for delivery. The biggest problem I have read about knife stamps is that most get their name too big. Hope that helps.

I have two from Harper mfg and they are a great company to deal with. The stamps have each done about 20 blades with absolutely no change. Mine are made from my art and cost more than Loosenock's. Nice thing is, ue the same art and get it scaled any way you like. Of course, this is true wherever you buy your stamp. I recommend building or buying a holder for the stamp so you can be assured it's square to the work and can minimize the flinch factor when you swing that 3 pound hammer at your hand... :eek: Don't know know many times my stamp went flying and I had a wimpy impression because I woosed out with the hammer stroke. I built a holder that is adjustable for other stamps too (like number stamps etc) from junk laying around my shop. If you'd like to see a picture let me know and I'll send it along. Other folks have built these too, iTrade among them, and there's a thread around here somewhere with all that stuff in it. Good reading, that one. :D
I make my own stamps out of 01, It is G+. I stamp the blade while at about 1500Deg. just before the normalizing process starts. It takes a surprising amount of power to stamp the blade I use a 6# hammer and give it a good stout blow and some times I need to double stamp it.
Say Gib, I have thought about stamping mine at about the same temperature. I was concerned about loosing the heat treatment of the delicate letters on the stamp from the heat of the blade. You ever worry about your stamp going "soft" on you?

Joe no I haven't had a problem, the stamp is made from 3/4" round
The first stamp I made was made from 1/2" round and did not stand up to the hammer, it bent, I used it for 5 years till it quit and the letters were still ok. For heat treat I quenched it and then drew it for a couple of hr at 500deg. Gib