Makers Marks.

May 9, 2000
Is there a current reference to makers marks? Many times I have seen someone looking to have a knife identified by its mark and I think a reference like this would be indispensable. I know of the Goins book, but this is only for antique/older knives.

I realize that something like this would be a huge undertaking and would be very difficult to keep up-to-date, but damn would it ever be useful.

Edited to correct a spelling error.
Hello Keith,
Any of the "Big Books", Knives 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 etc. has a listing of most of the custom knifemakers, with a short bio. to include info about their Mark.

Best Regards,
Jay maines
Sunrise River Custom Knives
Unfortunately in these books, not as many makers include information on their marks as I would like. They are the best reference that I have come across so far, but I would prefer something much more comprehensive.