Making a Leatherman Mini Micra

nice job ... but won't you miss the scissors?
Or do you carry a SAK Classic SD or other 58mm SAK for those pesky loose threads at the better 99/100 neck/collar?
Surrounding folks might get the wrong idea if ... when ... you go after them with a knife ... šŸ˜
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nice job ... but won't you miss the scissors?
Or do you carry a SAK Classic SD or other 58mm SAK for those pesky loose threads at the better 99/100 neck/collar?
Surrounding folks might get the wrong idea if ... when ... you go after them with a knife ... šŸ˜
I bought a S/H one just to do it for fun,its so small/dinky yet very handy with that toolset.
I made one of these too, but mine also included the tweezers. It's a tight fit, but it works. I never carry it though, and it never found its way into a kit either. I even forgot where I put it. It's just sitting somewhere unused and unloved. :( Maybe someday it will see the sun.