Making the choice

Jan 6, 2002
It's been a while since I've visited here. I keep telling myself I'm actually going to lay down some money for a khukuri, and I never do. There's just too many to choose from! Well, I think I finally will. The problem is: What to get?

I liked the looks of the following khukuris as depicted on the FAQ page:

Forward curving
18th century
17" Chainpuri

None of these seem to be listed on the buy now! page. Are they available? If so, has anyone tried to use them?

Perhaps I will get one khukuri to display for aesthetics and another to use?

Out of the "functional" ones listed on the website, how do these compare:

18" Sirupati
16.5" WWII

I want an all-around khukuri that can double as hiking / backpacking / hunting tool and a backup weapon in an emergency. Oh, and it can't be too heavy or long, either.

I know this is beating the dead horse again, but can we try once more?

Get the BAS or the 16.5 WWll. Don't worry so much. Whatever you get will be good. If you want more cross that bridge when you come to it.

Originally posted by David Poston
The problem is: What to get?

I liked the looks of the following khukuris as depicted on the FAQ page:

Forward curving
18th century
17" Chainpuri

None of these seem to be listed on the buy now! page. Are they available? I want an all-around khukuri that can double as hiking / backpacking / hunting tool and a backup weapon in an emergency. Oh, and it can't be too heavy or long, either.


David since you like the ones above that you listed let me suggest the 18" BGRS, the M-43, the YCS or the 18" Chitlangi .
these will all fit along the styles of the forward curving and 18th Century in shape and function.
The 17"- 18" Chitlangi would compare nicely with the 17" Chainpuri.:)
For carry-ability, get a BAS. A 15" sirupati would be good if you don't need to chop lots of thick and/or seasoned wood. At first, the BAS handle was a tad short for my tastes, but it's easy to work with once you get the hang of it.

15" AK is a good all 'round worker. No experience with the WWII

My next carryin 'round khuk, to replace the one I sent to Sarge, will be one of those four - depending on what mood strikes.

Heck, just send Uncle Bill as much $ as you want to spend, and the right nife will come to you (More $$$ = longer and heavier).
If you have had no experience with these knives I would not go to the real heavy knives. The khuks were new to me some months back and having a lot of work to do around here I had to learn quickly and safely. Uncle Bill sent me the BAS and the 15 AK to start with. With reading the safety thread and the FAQ's you will have some good knowledge of how to handle the khuk's. Once you start to use them. Pay attention to how things feel and what is safe. The khuk will teach you how to use it. The first time you miss the sweet spot you will feel that and change the way you swing the khuk.

For a 15" knife the BAS will do a lot more work than one would think. Whatever you decide to get enjoy it safely.:)
it's the 18", but I only have to carry it as far as the back yard. It's a heck of a tool. I would think the smaller WWII could still do anything you could ask of it. Have you been warned about HIKV?;)
