Making water potable

Nov 24, 2000
I know there are numerous products/ways to do this. I'd like to create a small chart with the methods/"dosages"/times required to include in a PSK. From boiling (do you NEED to boil 10 mins?) to iodine tabs to halazone to povidone (betadine) to bleach to ? What is necessary, what is convient, what is (dare I ask?) "best". I'm particularly curious about the povidone idea - the Betadine bottle says not to use internally. If it is safe to use, has anybody tried carrying/using one of the plastic/glass miniature swabs from medkits as a source? Seems like it would work and you could maybe use the swab part as tinder? Ideas, suggestions, comments?
Excellent question.

For boiling you really only need to get the water to a rolling boil according to many. I have heard some say that you need to boil for two minutes, others state four minutes, the most I've heard is ten. All emphasize a rolling boil.

One of the best products I've used is the Potable Aqua Plus. It takes up little space and treats 25+ canteens of water. The PA PLUS tablets remove the iodine taste. Some people don't mind but my wife and kids do. Some people will actually get dehydrated because they won't drink a sufficient amount of iodine treated water. I know, they're nuts, but it happens. The PA Plus eliminates this, people don't even realize the water is treated.

I also use regular 2% Iodine drops from the medical kit. Five drops per canteen of clear water WAIT 30 Minutes. This dosage can be doubled if water is cloudy or cold. I have recently added 50 mg ascorbic acid capsules to the medical kit to duplicate the PA PLUS iodine elimination. It seems to work just fine. You add the ascorbic acid a half hour after the iodine.

Is pottasium permagnate the one you do by color - pinkish for potable, deep red for wound treatment? Comes in a crystal form?
Is there a set amount to use, how well does it maintain in what type of container (is it reactive like iodine) ? Could you wrap some crystals in a small foil packet or put in into a plastic vial/case?
And is this the stuff that you get at tropical fish supply places used to treat water in aquariums?
Pink, drink:) Should be ok in a film canister, (the pink is the very watery pink!)
Raptor your right. If I recall correctly potassium permanganate is added to fish tanks to help fight infection in injured fish and combat certain forms of parasite.
Ive got a list somewhere of what this stuff can be used for. Apparently every SAS soldier carries some of this as its uses in the field are endless (or near enough). Will try to find it when I go home.
Couldnt find the list its gone into the ether that is my filing system but I did find a mention of it in a 1st aid book. You lot probably know this but p.p when mixed with water is a good all-round sterilising agent, antiseptic, mouth wash and anti-fungal agent.
Well you learn something new everyday.
By the way the books pretty interesting. Its called 'Emergency Medic' and is part of the 'SAS Active Library Series'.Its written by Barry Davies ex SAS trooper. Just got it so I've not read it alot but does seem to provide alot of info about improvisng 1st aid treatments in the field which I've not seen in my other 1st aid books.
Anyway its ISBN 0 00 710230 5. and I know I've seen it on amazon as well.
hope it helps
What I've read of the boiling theory and fuel conservation is a high heat period of 10 minutes. Bring it to a rolling boil. Cover and turn it off. Bring to rolling boil again at end of 10 minute period. I suppose if you were doing this in extreme cold, you would have to keep it on a simmer in between so the temps didn't drop too low.

Unless the idea of blasting your stomach lining and intestinal walls out your anus because of guardia cysts sounds good to you, err on the side of caution.

Boil longer. Wait longer for chemicals to work. If the water is cold or cloudy wait even longer than that. Use a filter.
Ah - thank you for the link. It even has the chart done for me.
Much appreciated...ya gotta luv the web!