Manifactuer Forums on

Oct 5, 1998
The issue has come up about manifactuers having thier own forums on

After several e-mails went here and there Spark asked that I post my feelings here, so here is a copy of the first e-mail I send to Will at EDI concerning them. Keep in mind this was an e-mail to Will, so I spoke mostly of EDI, but it apply's to all manifactuers.

>Ok, after much thought about it last night, I relinquish my position
>against Manif. forums.
>I did say I was split on the issue.
>Truth is they are probly a great idea, Since Sal has come on
>there have been alot of
>questions directed to him, I know when you came on there were alot of
>Q's directed to you.
>Also it gives the feeling that you actually care enough about the
>consumer to want a forum
>dedicated to hearing them. So for EDI this is a winning situation.
>For it is also a winning situation because people who
>dont want to talk about
>knives may come just to read about EDI, or Spyderco, or United....(I'm
>trying to be unbiast on who
>could have a forum, but if united gets one I quit) In other words it
>could draw people.
>The few times I have been to I have gone to read MD's
>two forums, and Chris Reeves
>forum. In other words I was drawn there because of the makers forums.
>with this in mind I do not
>see why people would not be drawn to because EDI has a forum
>So basicly, if its good for EDI, and its good for I
>would have to say its a good thing.
>My only concern is that the sight does not become to comercialized.
>We've got a great comunity going,
>and I know that you will always add to that, but other manifactuers
>I do not know, I cant speak for.
>I have seen you in the channel and in posts advertizing other company's
>knives, this is very comendable.
>And thats what makes so great. We arent here to sell knives, but
>to share our love of them.

So in short, I think manifactuer forums are a good idea, but I am concerned with the sight becoming to comercialized, and loosing the community feeling that we so cherish.

Let the posting begin.


Mouse Assassins inc.

[This message has been edited by ShadedDude (edited 11 January 1999).]
In some way "oh mighty shaded one", I can see how it would add to our community. Think of it this way.

BladeForums is kinda like you local hang out or bar. All your friends gather and you talk about football (knives). Then one day you here that the owner of the bar has invited the local coaches of your hometown NFL football team to come by for a few rounds and use the Karoke system to answer questions from the fans. Now you and your friends really want to be there that night. Then while the coaches are there they say they really like the place and plan on comming by more often. Soon you and your friends really enjoy this place. After the newness wears off things get back to normal (somewhat) you call the coaches your friends and feel like you can ask them just about anything. Now that it a sense of community. It is also one of my goals to bring the ELU closer to the manufacturer.

The neat thing is everyone has a lot to gain from this and nothing to loose.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

[This message has been edited by Mike Turber (edited 11 January 1999).]
I agree with that Mike, thats why I think I am in favor of Manifactuer forums....but when Spyderco, and EDI have a forum, I dont want master knives to come get a forum and do stupid stuff with it....but then we are a self governing people, and we do it very well, so if something like that did happen I'm sure we would all scream about it.


Mouse Assassins inc.

Mike / Spark;
As I mentioned earlier, I'll give it a shot. Need to know what the set up is and what will be expected. There have been some very good comments made on this subject and they all need to be heard. Let's not move forward so quickly that in our desire to achieve the original goal, we forget to figure out how to avoid most if not all of the potential problems.

The current communication is relaxed, somewhat informal, certainly enjoyable, at least for me. It doesn't create "corporate pressure" and is less "commercial" than a Factory forum might have to be. Anyone from any factory can certainly join in, without major commitment. At least until a more effective and ENJOYABLE solution can be determined, we aint doin' so bad.
I believe that Mikes statement:
"Then one day you here that the owner of the bar has invited the local coaches of your hometown NFL football team to come by for a few rounds and use the Karoke system to answer questions from the fans. Now you and your friends really want to be there that night." has merit. The concern is that the joint will end up to upscale and out of league for us little folk, I have felt it in other places.
Sals statement:
"It doesn't create "corporate pressure" and is less "commercial" than a Factory forum might have to be. Anyone from any factory can certainly join in, without major commitment."
This is very true, nothing is keeping anyone away except invitaion. So how about an invitation to host a manufacturers forum on a rotating basis, with fanare of their arrival at the forums. Kind like the live chat thing only threads for a week. This may encourage the players to stay around after the invite.(?)


I agree with thats been said, Sal, you said it exactly like it is...very informal, and comfortable. Going back to the football concern would be that the owner of the football team likes the place so much he try's to buy it.

But as I said I am for the forums, I belive that they will be a positive thing for both the manifactuers and members.


Mouse Assassins inc.

Sal, I agree with what you have to say, if you can, please give me a call at 1.800.969.7771 so that we can discuss the particulars for your forum and some options.

Believe me, the only investment that you'll need to make is your time, other than that, there is almost no learning curve involved: You already know how to post, and that's the major skill needed!


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Radarman has a really good idea re: rotating people from different firms. Or, it could be completely open at all times with the appropriate representitive answering the appropriate question. Now, will others step forward with Spyderco & Edi ?