Manjushree sword pics

Apr 3, 2003
here are some shots of my new sword. Sorry about the yucky grid on the pics, the shareware, I'm using to size the photo's puts that on...


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dwatts67 said:
here are some shots of my new sword. Sorry about the yucky grid on the pics, the shareware, I'm using to size the photo's puts that on...
Look into The Gimp freeware to size photos, it's got a version even for those unfortuinate enough to be stuck with a MicroSloth operating system.

How does it feel in hand?
jmings said:
How does it feel in hand?

Jm, I don't know how Dave will respond but my Manjushree *feels* great in the hand, like an extension of my arm but sharp.:thumbup: :D :cool:
My Manjushree feels like a slender wraith compared my Tarwar and three times as lively!!!! And don't get me wrong the Tarwar is a fine sword in its own right.
Another analogy would be that the Manjushree is as graceful as a skilled 17th century Spanish Swordsman next to a clumsy 17th century Scotsman with his heavy two handed Claymore.:eek: ;)
If I were a skilled writer I could really wax poetic about the Manjushree.;) :o :D
I wish I could afford the whole collection of HI Swords just for comparison. Methinks a man could spend several years doing *research* on them alone.;) :thumbup:
Sweet sword. Those lines are a real pain. Why not use Microsoft Photo Editor. Click resize and make the larger of the two dimensions 3". This reduces the size of the file, and also the dimensions of the photo. I've found 3" to be about right.
The sword feels great, If I choke up on the grip, it feels perfectly balanced, very quick, sharp, and sturdy blade. About 3/16ths thick. I love it!
I will post some line free pics later. I grabbed a cool little resizer off the 'net last night and will give it a whirl... MS photo editor didn't come with my Mac ;)
Anybody wanna trade their Man-j-a-whatsy (no disrespect here...just not sure about pronouncinating this word)for my Berk Special?

i think miss Yangdu has some in stock. Manjuwhatsi? lol! no blasphemy intended but that's gonna stick in my head, hehe
I offered to trade on account of I am cash poor...

Otherwise I would have emailed Miss Yangdu already...

Like the Manju whatsy a lot...

And I got no Ancerstral sword on the mantle...

I expect I need another couple of jobs...

