Marbles Sheath?

Oct 25, 2000
A good friend of mine purchased a new Stag Marbles. Great looking knife! Sheath is embarassing. Where can I find a quality sheath for X-mas gift?


Mike J
A knife like that deserves leather.

Check with custom knifemakers and examine their work. If you want something fancy, I would recommend Bob Schrap or Kenny Rowe.
Hi Mike,
You can visit my Web-site, and look over the styles of sheaths I make, from Water Buffalo hides. Plain style sheaths will run you $10.00 per blade inch, and deluxe, with a snakeskin insert, costs $15.00 per blade inch.
Best Regards,
Jay Maines
Sunrise River Custom Knives

Why don't you check out
You don't have to post, but you can go to "The Marble Arms Forum" and research the same issue. If I'm not mistaken, it's been discussed several times.

I am personally very interested in this subject as well since I am thinking of purchasing a Marble's knife as a gift and I don't really like the look of their sheaths.

Also, make sure that you check out Sunrise Custom Knives as suggested above by Jay.
I have no experience myself with him, it's just that he is highly recommended here and I am considering him myself for the same reason.

Please post your results (if possible). I would love to see it.

Good Luck!!!!

--The Raptor--
Gee... I really liked the pouch-type sheath that came with my Marble's Fieldcraft. It's about the only knife in my collection that I haven't made a new sheath for. Good thick leather, a substantial welt, classic design, holds the knife snugly... what is it you didn't like? Have they changed designs?
I know what you mean Mike the knife outclasses the sheath for sure. You can improve the factory sheath by soaking in warm water and inserting the knife carefully and make sure its straight in sheath. Then dry the leather completely, remove the knife and apply a good leather conditioner. It will at least be form fitted and looks alittle better. I still wish they would have sewn the belt loop to the sheath instead using the single rivet.

Ray Carr
You guys are puzzling the heck out of me. I have two styles of marbles sheaths. One for the Woodcraft (with a securing strap) and one for the Fieldcraft and Sport99 (pouch style). They are both well-designed, excellent sheaths. I do not have a sheath where the belt loop is riveted to the sheath. All my sheaths are well-sewn and rock solid. The only complaint I ever heard before about a Marbles sheath was for the large trailmaker, and I'm not familiar with that one. Someone once complained it wasn't rigid enough. But I have 6 sheaths (soon to have 7) and not a bad one in the bunch.


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.
I would recommend G2 LeatherWorks our very on Gary Graley and Sullivan's holster(leather) shop whom makes Sheaths for Randall knives top quality and can make a sheath for your knife.
Hey Guys....

Ahhh Wrap it in concealex and be Done with it..



On/Scene Tactical
Leading The Way In Quality Synthetic Sheathing
I posted a question on the Marbles form about the quality of their leather partial quote
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">2. I have a sport 99 I purchased from A.G. Russell circa Feb 00 and the sheath is of much higher quality. Were the sheaths getting to expensive or does AG Russell contract for a higher grade sheath?</font>
over at knifeforms and got the following answer.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">The new sheaths are actually made of better leather. The reason we changed sheath leather is we changed suppliers. I agree the new ones aren't as tight, but we really don't get a whole lot of complaints about them.</font>

Now the leather may be better, but the older one is a deep ox blood/brown color with a burnished edge and the belt loop is stitched. The two new ones I received are a light tan (pretty) but the finish is horrible. The edge isn't finished, the blet loop is rivited, the welt isn't even with the edges and there is a gap at the bottom of the sheath where the welt meets the fold. Better leather doesn't justify bad QC. Its a shame that I like these knives so much, because in spite of the sheaths, I'll keep buying them

"sharks and dogs" he muttered, "sharks and dogs...."
Thanks for the update. I didn't know Marbles changed their sheaths. Sounds like a bad move to me. I've been very happy with the older sheaths. I have a new micarta sport99 coming and I hope it comes with the old style sheath.


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.