Master of Defense ?

Feb 8, 2003
I was looking at some of them this morning... and they seem like some badass knives. Why the high price tag though? Are they better then companies like Microtech, Boker and such?
From what I've seen, they are pretty well-made knives with great designs. But IMO the quality isn't good enough to justify the prices. On MoD folders I've seen, opening action is not as smooth as on Microtechs and there is more attention to detail in the latter company's knives while the materials MoD uses are definitely on par with those MT chooses.
They are a little pricey, but if u looka round...they can be had for fairly good prices...I have 2 and haven't had a problem with either of them...;)
I just got my first MoD, a Dieter CQD Mk.I and I have to agree with QS. The materials are on par with MT, but the design and attention to detail seems to be short of Microtech's. For instance, the button that acts as a secondary lock for the primary plunge lock wiggles around quite a bit. It may not affect its function, but something like that is inexcusable on a knife with a street price around $250. This is the third CQD I've seen, and they have all been like that. Also, as QS pointed out, the MTs action is quite a bit smoother. I have 2 LCCs, a SOCOM and a Kestrel, and all of them open and lock like $200 knives should.

Bottom line is, I don't think you can go wrong with an MoD, but if this is your first foray into higher-end production tacticals, I think MT is a better choice.
The construction and materials of MOD is very similar to MT. The quality control of MOD is not as good. If the MT's are too big for you, MOD makes some nice smaller knives. If I was buying a MOD I would to inspect it first to make sure I got a good one. I haven't seen a bad MT yet. I like them both!
Yea this is my first knife in the high-end folders. All the other knives I have//had were Kershaw, Spyderco, Boker, and yes a lock back buck :D Not to say that they dont make a great knife but I do beleive the caliber of quality and such is much higher in the $200.00 ++ price range. I cant wait till I get my microtech socom this week! You guys are making the wait THAT much worse by saying microtech makes a great knife :grumpy: lol
I just saw your other thread. There was a MT Socom and a MT Socom Elite. They were both about the same size. The Socom Elite had a thicker blade and a different locking system. Both are great knives but the Socom Elite should be a little stronger.
When discussing the relative opening "smoothness" of MOD knives, one must remember that MOD knives are produced without the pivot bushings most often found on other folders. Rather, the handles on MOD folders are manufactured to extremely tight tolerances in the pivot area and essentially they take the place of these separate bushings. Initially you'll experience a period where the blade action feels rough as the blade pivot is "lapping" itself against the handles. But have no fear, after a couple of short sessions in front of the boob tube manipulating your folder, you'll soon begin to see a huge improvement in the slickness of the action. IMHO this is a small price to pay for the privilege of owning a manual action folder with a button lock mechanism (to say nothing of the secondary back-up locking device).
I think part of it is the names on alot of the knives, Janich, Keating, Ayoob and so on. I have a tempest and love it. I sent it to M.O.D. shortly after getting it due to the blade contacting the handle when closed. It was gone 14 days and came back 100% fixed. Other than that I don't have any issues w/ the quality of the knife.

MOD pricing is on par with other knives of their qaulity.

Having owned many manual Microtech's and many manual MOD's I think MOD makes a better knife overall. (manual action mind you)

That's not to say that MT does not have some true winners (LCC) but if you look at the entire line MOD's got them beat IMO.

Microtech needs to get the balls to put a button lock on one of their manual knives, it's a great locking system with proven reliability.

I've also seen more QC problems with MT than MOD, YMMV.

The CQD MKII is a fantastic knife by any standard.

What Bronco said is absolutely tru as well, one a MOD is broke in they are as smooth if not smoother than most.

With that said I should also add that I am a huge fan of the LCC - if someone told me I'd have to choose between an LCC and the CQD MKII they'd have a fight on their hands.