I recently obtained a D-9 from Strider dealer Matt Donohue. First off, my sincere thanks go out to Mr. Donohue for treating me so fairly in the sale. He is as good as they get. I have heard a lot of great things about him and, in short, everyone was right. This D-9 is cord wrapped and is a real beauty. I used to have a G-10 scale D-9, but due to the need for some dough, I dumped it (this was a big mistake). So here I am getting another D-9, only this time cord wrapped. I prefer the feel of the cord wrap; it feels PERFECT in the hand. The grind lines on this blade are perfect as well (as was my former D-9). I do not intend to ever cut loose with this baby; she's going to go to my son someday.
I have always had great service from the Strider guys; this is just one more example of the sterling service with which Strider and their affiliates treat the customers.
Thank you Strider and thank you Mr. Donohue.
I have always had great service from the Strider guys; this is just one more example of the sterling service with which Strider and their affiliates treat the customers.
Thank you Strider and thank you Mr. Donohue.