Mayo/Buck S30V HT

Dec 3, 2001
Paul Bos´ earlier post on SV30 Heat-Treat

"Temper @ 625-650 deg F. for 2 hrs. @ temp. Repeat 2 to 3 times. Final R\C-59.5-60. I do 3 tempers for hard use blades. for a higher R\C I temper @ 400 deg. F for 60-61."

Buck Knives PR on #172 Buck/Mayo TNT

§ Continuous belt furnace heat treated in controlled atmosphere by Paul Bos
§ Double tempered for toughness
§ Hardened to RC61 for superior edge retention

Now does this mean that we got the temper @ 400 deg. to get RC61 and the double-temper "only" instead of 3 tempers for hard use blades ?

Don´t get me wrong - I´m not questioning Paul, Tom or anyone at Buck - actually I can´t wait to get mine - just curious.

Klaus: Blades are double tempered @ 625 - 650 Deg. F for 2 hrs. @ each temp. Final R\C- 59.5-60. For Tactical or hard use blades we do a tripal temper. If
Klaus" I did not get to finish on my last post I must have hit the wrong key. You read a post where someone asked me for the resape for heat treating S-30-V, I gave him the best all around 625-650 for 2 hrs. plus 2 tempers. Then I told them if they wanted it harder they could run them @ 400 for a 61 R\C. I run all customes and Buck!s @ the 625-650 range, 2 tempers for folders hunters and fishing style blades, 3 tempers for tactical, Camp and other hard use blades. If you would like more Info. on them please give me a call at Buck Ph# (619) 449-1100 ext.-211 Thank you Paul Bos.

thanks so much for your clarification - and as I wrote I´m not questioning you (or Tom or anyone at Buck)- actually based on word-of-mouth and my own experience with Bucks BG42 I pretty much understand you are "DA MAN" when it comes to heat-treating pretty much everything under the sun.

My post was caused by some confusion in regards to the quoted Buck press release - when I did my initial "digging" on everything I could find about the (Buck/Majo) TNT and the S30V to be used I found that old post of yours and CJ also posted that you would be the focal point in the decision how to HT the stuff. Based on that I **guestimated** you certainly would use what you found to work best on that knife as well - which resulted in my expectation we´ll see an RC of ~ 60 as you confirmed now.

Buck´s Press Release (§ Hardened to RC61 for superior edge retention) is saying 61 though and this caused my post seeking clarificaiton.

I understand that 1 point up/down doesn´t make a world (or even half) of a difference - probably its just my detail-minded german curiosity. On the other hand I did got mildly amused when reading material specifying four different blade sizes (3, 3 1/8, 3 1/4, 3 1/2) - so the 1 point difference in RC brought me "over the top" and I just had to ask via the forum.

Thanks again for your explanation and let me end in saying that at whatever RC you would have choosen for this knife I think it would be one heck of a knife - can´t wait to get mine.
